Chapter 15-Dealing with the Queen B

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Chapter 15- Dealing with the Queen


Over the next few days Aiden and I continued to work on our project for World History and I have to admit that Aiden is pretty smart. Before he was slacking and leaving most of the work on me, since according to him I was the nerd and nerds do all the work. I had to disagree though, I have my lazy days were I want nothing to do with school and stupid assignments. We all have them, right? That's what I thought. Nerds get tired of school too! But ever since we got back from our trip from Matt's lake house Aiden has been putting in more work into the project and we've been at each other's house every night since then working on this project that's due in less than a week. I have to say that we've been working our asses off to get a decent grade on this thing. Aiden decided to take on the research and power point while leaving me with the report. He's been gathering information like no tomorrow and has been putting in a hundred and ten percent and I'm impress that the guy can do so much. It's like since he told me about his past he's been more determine to prove to himself that he can be more that 'Aiden Black, the bad boy.' I'm guessing he took my advice to not let his past define him, but why do I have this feeling that Aiden is hiding something else that has to do with his past? I feel like there is more than what he is letting on, but I don't want to pry. So I just shrugged it off for now, but it didn't stop my curious mind from wondering back to the topic.

"Emma." I heard a voice call out as I felt something jab my side. I let out a yelp and turn to face the person to give them a glare. Amy was smiling at me sheepishly and pointed to the front of the classroom where our math teacher was staring at me intently. Mr. Gray's bald head was reflecting off the light that was shining down from the florescent lights on the ceiling. His wrinkly face was formed into a scowl and his lips stayed in a thin line. His body language screamed disapproval, the way his hands where placed firmly on his waist. Oh shit what did I do now?

"Miss. Miller, I expect you to pay attention in this class and not to daydream. I have called your name multiple times trying to gain your attention, but you seem so lost in your own world that the only way to snap you out of it was for Miss. Johnson to use physical contact." Mr. Gray said in a disapproving manner. I mentally rolled my eyes at him. Maybe if you weren't so damn boring I would actually pay attention to you and not be bored to death with your stupid monotone voice!

"Excuse me? Would you like to repeat that, Miss. Miller?" Mr. Gray exclaimed.

Oh shit. I said that out loud?

"Yes Miss. Miller, you said it out loud and you have earned yourself three days of detention."

I gapped at him. Detention? I've never gotten detention in my life! "Mr. Gray, I didn't mea-"

"Not a word, before I give you a week worth of detention!" He said sternly. I zipped my lips and kept quiet. I glanced around the class to see everyone else looking at me with wide eyes. I guess they weren't expecting that out of me. The bell rang signaling the end of class. I gathered my books and started to exit the class but not before Mr. Gray got in the last word. "Meet me here after school for your detention. Miss Miller." I rolled my eyes at his statement as I walked out of his classroom. Stupid teacher.

"What the heck was that?" Amy asked as we walked down the hallway to our next class which was World History.

"Honestly, I don't know." I said grimacing at the thought of Mr. Gray.

"I think someone has been hanging out with a certain bad boy a bit too much." Amy said smirking.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "You think me hanging out with Aiden has caused me to speak my mind?"

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