Chapter 32- Trashed Rooms and Make-ups

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*Two weeks later*

"Have you even been to your to house yet?" Eliza asked over the phone.

"Nope. I like it here through free food, a pool, a gym and did I mention a personal pool." I joked.

I haven't been at my place in two weeks since I didn't want a surprise visit from Austin at the moment. I wanted to enjoy myself. I still went to my three classes which I had on Tuesdays and Fridays but I just came straight back here. There was always something to entertain myself with so there was no need to leave the hotel. I could go swimming, I could eat, I could workout or I could eat.

"Yes about a thousand times. Don't you get lonely over there?"

"Dean is a nice kid." I said sitting on the couch covered in a thin blanket leaning my head against the arm of the chair.

Dean was a nice kid and a lonely one at that. He lived at the pack house and because he was human a lot of his guy classmates made fun of him. When he would talk about it I always asked if he wanted me to set them straight because "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" but being the teenage boy he is he says no.

"Who is this Dean guy anyway? Sounds cute." I could hear her smiling on the other side of the phone.

"Well I'm taken so whether he is cute or not is up to your interpretation." I pulled my knees close to my chest feeling a cool breeze out of no where.

Why is it so cold all of a sudden? I set the place to be like 78 degrees.

"It doesn't seem like it since your spending more time with Dean then your, whatever that 6 foot thing is to you."

Eliza still had her reservations when it came to Austin and was always pushing for me to try to move on. Even when she thought he was fake and he hadn't visited me on campus.

"Yeah I guess your right but you know how it is with Austin. Remember the lingerie story?" I said this slightly distracted by the cool air surrounding me.

What the hell is going on?

I got up with the blanket still wrapped around my body. With the chill being irritating at best I decided to go looking for the source. I walked down the long hallway that opened up to the bedrooms. My room door was wide open letting out the unwanted breeze. I slowly entered the room to see the bed and dresser mess. The sheets on the floor crumbled up and wrinkled, the mattress on the other side of the room, all of my under garments and plain tees on the ground and on my dresser. Someone was looking for something but what? And why in my room?

I continued into the bathroom which didn't look as bad. Okay that was kind of a lie but I wished it wasn't as bad. All the cabinets were open and bath bombs and lotions were all over the floors. Different smells of lavender, roses, oranges and lemons were traveling through the room and attacking my nose. I held the phone up to my ear remembering I was talking to Eliza earlier.

"Zoe is everything okay?" Eliza asked worried.

"Uh yeah, I'll call you back." I said noticing that my balcony doors were open.

So that's were the breeze was from.

I quickly closed it before hearing a rough knock on the door. I quickly went for the kitchen getting a knife leaving the blanket on the floor in my room. I really need to work on my wolf transformation before I accidentally stab someone in the side. I slowly walked to the door each step feeling louder and louder the quieter I wanted them to be. I got to the door and slowly unlocked and unopened it to see Austin standing there with a bouquet of pink roses in his hand. He wore his brightest smile which is funny because I had the most displeased yet relieved look on my face.

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