Chapter 16

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I was running as fast as I could run. I was in the forest the same forest my last dream was in but everything was dead. 

Dead trees.


Dead plants.

The gloomy sky.

Rain stared to fall and I felt it on my- my- fur? I don't know what was running after me but something powerful. It was dark as night while my fur was dirty grey. I kept running and running when I heard soft whimpers. I ran as fast as I can towards the whimpers. I didn't care if this thing was chasing me I'm going to save whoever is whimpering. The beast only wants me so they wont be in anymore danger then me.

I was so close but I ran into something I couldn't see. I backed up and I rammed into it. It cracked. I backed up and I ran into it again. I repeated that process until there was a huge hole that I could go through. I went into the hole and the forest inside was exactly like the forest from my other dream. Everything was so alive and beautiful. I turned to my right I could see two whimpering cubs.

Both with reddish brown fur but one of them has green eyes while the other has brown. The green eyed cub was laying on the grass whimpering in pain even though there were no visual injuries. The brown eyed cub which looked a little younger, was whimpering sadly as if she was worried for the fellow cub. 

I went down to my knees and signaled for the cubs to go on my back. They quickly got on to my back and bit on to it so they wouldn't fall. I slowly got up and started looking for help. Suddenly I heard the sound of glass breaking. The black thing came up to us then disappeared . I turn to look at my back to see that the cubs are gone. A saddened howl escaped my lips.

End dream



"MY BABIES!" I screamed waking up in the passenger seat of my car.

"Zoe are you okay you started howling in your sleep I tried to wake you up." Austin said worriedly.

"I- I'm fine." I lied.

"Did you have a bad dream about our cubs?" Austin asked.

"How did you know that?"

"You did just scream my babies."

"Yeah one of them was hurt, internally and then this black thing took them away from me." I said getting teary eyed.

Austin got out of the car, walked over to me side and opened the door for me. He held out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed onto his hand before he pulled me out of the car. He closed the door behind me and walk me over to the hood of the car. He leaned onto the hood of my car pulling me into him.

"I could've ran but I just stood there." I said.

"It was just a dream it probably won't happen." Austin said putting his chin on my head.

"I had a similar dream about you too though. Luna said that I was supposed to be with an Austin then a picture of you showed up."


"Yeah what if it means something. What if some dark force takes my children, our children." I said worriedly.

"Woah we just met and your already talking about children." he said playfully.

"I'm serious Austin." I said sternly.

"Sorry. You know you haven't opened your presents yet." Austin said pushing his body off the hood.

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