A little tall tale...(Boy×boy)

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"You called me, Father?"

My voice echoed in the silent throne room, seeming to mock me as I heard my own calm voice repeat the inquiry over and over again. I had my head bowed towards The King as I crouched on the floor before the golden throne, one of my arms curled around my stomach while I pressed the hand attached to my other arm against my chest, over my heart. It was as respectful and as traditional a pose as I could manage.

The room I was in was not very decorated. The stone walls are covered with tapestries that had scenes of the forest. I loved those tapestries and I found myself glancing at them every few seconds. It looked so much like the forest that I lived in. I saw instantly that the one who made them was very talented. I wonder if father would give me the name of this person who weaves such beautiful art.

I became lost in admiration.

There was small laughter as I was snapped back to attention by my fathers small polite cough.

I swallowed my insults that I wished to spew at those who dared laugh at me. Instead, I settled for giving them a menacing glare.

It worked. They became silent.

Why did father find it amusing to have his people witness business meetings in his throne room? I never will get it. I didn't like the stares of everyone on both of us. I wished that father had agreed to my suggestion of privacy for our meeting. But he wished an audience. What did he even call me for? Did he call me just to show me off like some kind of freak show?

I wanted to go back to my forest...

I tryed not to look at the tapestries wistfully again.

I looked at my father as I realized he was speaking.

"I did. What is your opinion of humans right now?"

I stared down at the black marbled floor as I kneeled down before the figure seated on a golden throne.

That throne was the envy of all the fairys that had royal blood. They coveted it so much that they had dreams of stealing it. Not that the people will follow the usurper, since all the people that lived in the city are faithful to the King of fairys.

It was almost laughable that my own father had to ask this question yet again.

It may be because my father just didn't understand my dislike of humans. He never really understood me. It might be because he didn't raise me until I was age ten.

My mother -who is a water nymph- kept me a secret from father for ten years. She believed that if I was raised by my father from birth, I would become an arrogant selfish youth who cared nothing for others.

It's weird, because I still became that way being raised by her.

I am arrogant and selfish and I care nothing for other people's company. That is why I am such a recluse.

I live in the forest with wild animals and fugitives. I would rather live there than in the middle of my father's bustling and busy city.

I bit my lip as I tryed to calm myself. I was angered that father had me brought out here to ask me such a stupid question.

I am not a youth. I can control my emotions.

"I still do not like them, to tell the truth." There. A simple and cool response.

"Hmm." Having my face down in respect made me not able to see the expression on my fathers face, but I could hear in his voice that he seemed to find that interesting for some reason.

I waited.

"Arise son." Father finally said graciously.

I got to my feet in one graceful motion.

My father; The king Of The Fallen. The King Of Darkness. The Ruler Of The Souls...

All those titles makes it seem like he is evil impersonated.

The fact is, in a way, he is a Guardian of humans. The King of Guidance is another title he goes by. The less menacing one, by far.

He protects those weak humans from destroying each other, which is almost impossible. He uses his powers to keep the world alive. He orders the most trusted of his people to guide those silly humans on the right path.

What stupidity.

Nobody can guide humans on the right path.

They are too bloodthirsty. Too young to follow anyone else but themselves.

I dislike those humans.

"I have a job for you, my son."

I look up at him.

He had a determined look in those electric blue eyes of his. A look that I didn't like.

But I was curious, so...

"What is it?"

Father folded his arms over his chest and a small smile tilted his lips.

"You will guide and protect the future King of the humans."

I stared at him for a long moment.



The scream echoed around the throne room and made my father and the people that were there, wince.

I stared at my father in horror. I know I am not a youth that can't control myself, but I was too horrified to stay calm.

How can my father do this?

"Based on your scream, I take it that you dislike my task for you." So says my oh so observant father.

This called for movement.

I began to pace across the marble floor.

"Oh, I get it!" I whirled back around and gave a big smile that felt very fragile. "This is a joke, correct? A hoax. Very funny. Hahaha..."

"It is not a joke."

My laughter, which had sounded pretty hysterical, cut off as the King spoke.

I plunged my hands into my hair and gripped. Tight.

It was that or have my brains fall out.

"Father... why!?" It came out as a moan that sounded like that of a tortured animal.


I blinked. "Because... what?"

"Because I said so."

My head fell foward as I felt my cheeks burn. Hearing the snickers from the people still in the throne room didn't help.

"Son, you should be proud that I trust you with this. You are the only one that I believe can succeed in this task."

The only one that he trusts...

The only one to succeed...


Life stinks.


(Authors note: Please comment or vote if you liked this story.

Thanks to those who follow me.

I edited out some things and I also added a few changes. Nothing big. I just wanted to point it out ~♡

* Posted on October 2013 *

* Edited on July 14, 2014 *

Thanks for reading. It means a lot ~♡ )

A Little Tall Tale -(Boy×Boy/Completed But Editing/Rewriting)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant