Chapter 22

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Logan's POV

"What do you mean you can't feel your legs?" my dad jumped out of his chair and walked towards me. 

I tried so hard to hold back all the tears in my eyes I just couldn't do it, "Dad, It feels like they're not even there." 

My dad turned away from me and my mom left he room. Her cry was audible out in hall. My dad was pinching his eyes, I think he was trying to be strong for everyone. 

My dad sighed, "I'll go get the doctor." 

I raised my bed up into a sitting position, I wasn't even concerned with the excruciating pain coming from my back. What was I going to do about hockey? It was so important to me and if I can never walk again... I don't even want to think about it. I looked over and I saw Lexi staring into space, silent. Her eyes were filled with worry and I felt so bad. 

"Lex." I wiped away the few tears I let fall, "It's okay." 

She shook her head and came to my bed to kiss me, "I know." 

I got so frustrated I was moving my hips as hard as I could but my legs wouldn't move. I had to move the blankets off of me just to confirm they were still there. My door opened, my parents and the docotor stormed in. The doctor looked just as afraid as I felt. He took his pen and pressed it hard against my toenail hoping I would feel something but I couldn't.

"Logan, I'm not sure why your body is responding in this way." my doctor finally said.  

"Am I going to be able to walk again?" that's all I cared about. 

My doctor sighed, "We'll run some tests." and he left. 

"He'll run some test? He'll run some test?" I yelled at my parents sort of in a begging manner. 

My mom came over and kissed me on the forehead, "It's going to be okay." 

My parents left the room again assuming to call grandparents and tell them the news. Jax who was silent through everything looking like a deer in headlights walked over to me. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't want you to be paralyzed." he said softly. 

I half smiled, "Jax, everything is going to be okay." 

"You know you don't have to be strong for everyone." Jax said. 

My face turned puzzled, "What do you mean? I just cried." 

"Barely. We all know your scared Logan. Just be scared." Jax said.

"Jax, I'm fine really." I said. 

Jax rolled his eyes and left the room. It was just me and Lexi. I just didn't want to have another conversation so I hit the little red button attached to a long wire and once the meds kicked in I was out. When I woke up no one was in the room . It was nine at night and I needed to get out of bed. I couldn't sit in one position any longer. I sat up and lifted each leg with my arms and hung them over the side of the bed. My genius idea was to lift myself of the bed and let my legs just work. Well when I did that I toppled straight to the ground with my face bashing off the wheel of my bed. My teeth went through my lower lip. I felt so defeated as I hit the nurses button over and over again. It took eight stitches four on the outside of my lip and four on the inside of my lip to get me sewn shut. My doctor wasn't at all pleased that I tried to get out of my bed and asked my parents to have someone with my at all times and needless to say my parents weren't thrilled with what I did. 

"Logan, why on earth would you get out of bed?" my dad asked, I think he wanted to yell but he figured it would be best not too considering we were in a hospital. 

"I can't sit here any longer." I explain. 

"You have to me." my mom said. 

I sighed, "Where's Lexi?" 

"She had to sleep and we didn't want Jax to stay home alone. You need to sleep too." my dad explained. 

"I just woke up." I threw my head back onto my pillow. 

"Well are you hungry?" my mom asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders, I really was starving I just didn't want to eat anything. Just before my mom was going to leave, I'm assuming to get me food, my doctor walked in. 

"I heard you got a little banged up." my doctor said. 

I rolled my eyes, "Well if you guys wouldn't have messed up I would've been able to walk out of here hours ago." 

"Logan!" this time my dad didn't refrain, he just yelled. 

"It's okay, Mr. Clark. His feelings are justifiable." the doctor said as he used a mini flashlight to look at the stitches in my mouth, "However Logan, you can't be getting out of bed again." 

"I can't sit here any longer." I say exasperated. 

"Tomorrow we'll get you wheeled down to the cafeteria and around the hospital." the doctor smiled. 

"Honestly, do you think I'll be able to walk again?" I asked desperate for an answer. 

The doctor paused and sighed, "Logan, none of the doctors understand why your body is reacting this way. Everything in surgery went as planned. We're hoping it's just temporary." 

I felt a tad relieved that the doctors think it can be temporary but I'm also a little more worried that they don't know for sure. 

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