Chapter 9

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I'm back! Did you miss me? lol. Starting on Wednesday I will be back on my normal Sunday Wednesday schedule. Please leave any sort of criticism, good or bad it would really help me. Also I know a few of you expessed an interested in uploading my Shaytards fanfic. If more people have an intrest I'll upload the first chapter Friday. (:  -beautifulgoodbyexx ______________________________________________________________________________

I watched as my dad and Logan walked off of our bus  and walked to the bus the rest of the adults were staying on. I felt so bad for Logan. His dad was literally going to kill him if he found out we had sex.

I was laying down with my head rested in my moms lap. "Mom?" I say.

She wipes my forehead with the cool wet rag, "Yeah, baby?"

"Travis can't find out Logan and I had sex. He just can't." I tell her.

"Honey, he's going to find out if we tell him or not."

"Can't we just let him find out on his own?" I ask.

She sighs, "Lex..." "Please, mom." I beg.

My mom reaches for her phone and texts my dad, "Don't tell Travis about the sex. Explain later." then she turned to me, "Now it's up to your father to read the text."

I smile, "Thanks mom."

"You know everyone is going to be watching you guys like hawks now, right?"

I sighed, "I figured."

My mom looked uncomfortable, "You used protection right?"

"Yes, ma'am. We're young but not dumb." I assured her.

My mother and I laid there for awhile before my dad and Logan got back on the bus. Logan was all smiles and my dad looked at my mom confused. I assume nothing was said about the sex. My parents get off the bus together and Logan and I are left there alone.

I jumped into Logan's arms, "What happened?"

"I was about to tell my dad about the sex but your dad interrupted me and asked some really dumb question about the band." he said still smiling.

I couldn't help but hug him again but he pulled me away, "Lex I covered for you but if you ever, ever, cut again I can promise you I will personally make sure your parents find out."

"Agreed." I paused, "What'd your dad say about us dating?"

"The normal act 'why were you sneaking around behind our back?' how are we supposed to trust you?' etcetera, etcetera, etcetera but he'll get over all of that eventually." he assured me.

We smiled before cuddling together on the couch for awhile. after about twenty minutes we got off the bus holding hands everyone was looking at us as if we were married or something except for Jax. Jax was giving us death glares then it all dawned on me that Jax was going to rat us out. He was just waiting for the perfect moment but he's going to be the one who tells Travis. I feel the anxiety creeping up again but I quickly get it under control before its noticed. I already know what my parents reaction is to Logan and I having sex but I don't want to see Travis react. More than anything I feel bad for Logan if and when he finds out. I clear my head and forget about all of that for now. After the commotion as died down we all play a game of monopoly that had to of lasted at least three hours. The parent chaperoning the bus tonight is Danny. All I could think was thank God its not my mom and dad or Travis and this is the night Logan sneaks to my bunk to sleep with me.

Logan and I laid together for awhile and right before I was about to go into a deep sleep Logan said, "You know Lexi you're like the girl with the broken smile. Before it shatters completely I'm going to fix it. I love you." and he kissed me on the forehead.

I dug my head into his chest and fell asleep with a smile on my face. The next morning I wake alone in my bed, I didn't even feel Logan get out of bed last night I think I was emotionally drained. In the from the front of the bus I hear my name being called. It was my dad.

"We need to talk." he said and motioned for me to go outside.

I sighed, Its 9:30 in the morning and I feel like this isn't going to be a happy talk, "Yes sir." and I climbed off the bus with him.

He walked into a Starbucks that was close by, I got my Vanilla Frappuccino and my dad got his normal Iced Coffee before sitting a table next to the window. 

"Your mom found a shirt," oh no, "It was coved in blood. What happened?" he looked at me as if I somehow hurt him but I don't know how I could've.

"Dad, it was nothing." I try to blow it off.

"It was covered in blood, Alexia! It was something!"

"I fell. I scraped my knee. I used a dirty shirt to clean up the blood. I must've forgotten about it." my heart is pounding.

He looks under the table at my knee and there wasn't a scratch on it, "When?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know about a week ago?"

He slammed his fist down on the table, "Damn it, Alexia! What are you hiding from us?"

"Nothing!" I get up to leave. He looked at me as if I was insane,

"Don't you dare walk away from me. I'm not done talking to you."

"Well I'm done talking to you!" I leave the Starbucks.

I look back and see my dad isn't following me so I run on the bus and slam the door behind me. I don't want to be living with lies any longer but I know how much trouble I'm going to get into if my parents find out. I go into the back room and curl in a ball near the window opposite side of Logan who is the only other person in the room.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I just continued to look at the window and didn't say a word.

Then he comes next to me and starts singing softly in my ear, "I don't mind spending every day out on your corner in the pouring rain look for the girl with the broken smile ask her if she wants to stay awhile and she will be loved, tap on my window knock on my door I want to make you feel beautiful I know you tend to get so insecure it doesn't matter anymore Its not always rainbows and butterflies its compromise it moves us along my heart is full and my door is always open you come anytime you want." His voice was beautiful.

I never heard him sing before and my heart melted, "Oh Logan, why are you so perfect?" I said.

"I'm far from perfect, I have many secrets of my own." he smiled at me.

"Tell me?" I asked.

"I will," he paused, "just not today."

"I love you." and we kissed.    

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