Chapter Thirteen

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     Running on all fours through the woods behind my house, the leaves crunched underneath my feet. I could sense that Shane had been through here but still, running around for half an hour trying to find him was getting on my nerves.

      I had sensed him several times but when I felt like I was getting close to him, that feeling would disappear. He was mad, that was obvious but I don't see why he was running away from me. Maybe he sensed me coming and was trying his hardest to get away from me. Would something that little make him so mad?

     I told myself that I would run around for five more minutes before I would give up. I barked a few times, trying to get his attention since I knew for a fact that this was the woods that he had gone too. I got no response.

     Gosh. I sighed to myself. Five more minutes.

    That five more minutes came quicker than I expected. A branch broke under my feet as I stopped. I had to calm down in order to become a human again. If I was mad or worried about something, my wolf would relieve me of that feeling. When I was calm or felt like I could take over the world, then my human self would regain it's power.

     After a few seconds, i was standing on two legs with my normal, tomboy clothes, covering my body. I had to find him. I wasn't just going to leave him around here. If he was mad, then I had to make sure that he wasn't mad anymore. I couldn't stand when he was mad at me because it made me feel like I was a terrible person. Shane had made sure that I never felt that way but he couldn't control it when he was upset.

      "Shane." I yelled.  No response.

      "I know you're here." I yelled.

     No response.

    I just stood there and looked around. He had come this way, I had sensed it.

     "I know you can hear me." I said in my normal voice. "We ain't never going to be able to settle this if you don't come out and let me see you."

    I heard a shuffling noise behind me, which made my lips curl up into a smile.

    "Please, just come out so we can talk." I begged.

    I stood there for a couple minutes and began to grow impatient. I know that I had heard something but I still wasn't sure if that was him or not. What I did know was that, Shane could hear me.

    Shane knew that I was impatient and was probably only doing this because he knew that it would get on my nerves. What happened to earlier? What happened when I was so ready to kiss Shane and he was willing to kiss me? Would it have happened if Channing hadn't have been trespassing? Would I have finally found my mate?

    So many questions, yet I knew the answer to none of them. Shane could tell me the answer to the last one if I ever got to chance to kiss him. Which probably wouldn't be happening after that day.

      I took in a deep breath and as I did, I heard footsteps behind me. They stopped.

     I turned around and saw the one person that I had been searching for. His hair that was once spiked, was matted against his forehead. The black button up shirt that he was wearing was ripped open to reveal his massive, tan, 8 packed body. His face was red from the running, I assume.

     "What are you doing here?" He asked in a husky voice.

      "I came to find you." I answered, taking a couple steps towards him.

      "Why? You don't care about me."

     "Of course, I care about you. You mean everything to me."

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