Chapter One

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Chapter One


Since I'm a girl, people believe that the only thing that I am capable of doing is cooking, cleaning, shopping, and making sure things match. People stereotype way too much.  I can cook but I need directions. I can clean as long as people aren't in my way. I hate shopping more than probably any girl on this earth. I can't match things what so ever.  See how that stereotype thing doesn't work on me? I am totally different than most people first think I am. 

First things first, I'm a wolf. Well, werewolf. Oh, shocker right? I am nothing like people think I am. I'm sarcastic and I bet that I can beat any guy that lives around here in a wrestling match, without using my werewolf power. I'm strong. I'm not girlie, heck I'm anything but girlie. The girliest thing about me are my looks. I can wear a t-shirt and sweat pants and I'm good. My hair though, that's  a completely different story. I spend time on my hair to make sure that it's perfect. You touch my hair, chances are that you're going to die. So don't touch my hair. Okay, got that? Good.

I'm pretty confident, about some things. When it comes to parents, teachers, or adults in general, I'm there little puppy. I hate back talking adults because they would get mad at me and blah blah. I don't like when people are mad at me, unless they did something to deserve it. Now if they want to start something with me, then go ahead, but I promise you that I'll end up finishing it. Enough said.

I'm not scared of anybody. No girl, boy, adult, or thing can scare me. Okay, so maybe snakes and spiders are an exception of that, but I mean they are scary looking. With those small, black eyes that look like they just want to pounce on you. They give me the chills just sitting here thinking about them. Anyway, I am not scared of anybody. I will speak my mind and tell them what my opinion is, whether they like it or not is up to them.

I don't start drama. I will tell you like it is and if you can't handle that, well that your problem.  Everybody was giving a mind and an opinion, and trust me, I use both of them to my advantage. Like I said though, I don't start things. If people want to start stuff with me, then bring it on. I'm going to finish it. But I'm not going to go around and pick fights. That is up to the drama queens. And I am not one of them.

The funny thing about this is, when I was back in my hometown, I wouldn't have said anything to anyone. I was the quiet, nerd, who did nothing when somebody started fights with her. The only thing that I actually would do was be a snitch and call my father to let him take care of everything.  I didn't want to do anything bad to make my teachers mad at me. Sometimes I was even scared to raise my hand to ask a question because everybody else might have thought the question was stupid. That's how pathetic I was. Now, that I'm moving to a new town,  I could care less. I'm starting over. I'm done with letting people run over me and I'm done with not caring that I have wolf powers and that I could do something with them.

I'm ready to kick some new town butt.


I had already unpacked everything in my new room. It wasn't as big as my older one but I could manage. That was another thing that I wasn't going to do here. Complain. I used to complain about everything and take advantage of everything(except for my wolf powers). Now, I'm grateful for what I have and I'm not complaining anymore.

I was going to be starting school tomorrow and I thought maybe I should roam around the small town and see if I could make any friends here that would show me around the stranger school tomorrow.

I was wearing some black basketball shorts and a navy blue t-shirt(I never said that I was going to give up my look.) I pulled my brunette hair back in a loose bun and headed downstairs.

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