Expect the Unexpected

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The brunette glared at me so hard, I felt I was gonna melt any second. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing. Wow, was our quarrel really that loud?

"Oh, it's on.", Jamie said, then lunged at me. We tackled each other on the ground. Everyone just gathered around us. It's like they're amused about this whole thing.

"You've done nothing but make my life hell!", I yelled at her, still wrestling her.

"And I'm about to make it a whole lot worse, darling.", she smirked, and slapped me. My head jerked to the side, and my eyes widened.

Oh, she's so gonna get it.

Just then, arms were wrapped around my waist, pulling me away from the 'b-word'. I was glad they did, since I was this close to showing her my karate moves.

"Enough!", he yelled, making me look at him. Wow, just the person I was avoiding.

"What are you doing, babe? You should be protecting me! Not that lunatic!", Jamie whined-yelled, if that's even a thing.

"The only crazy lady here is you, Morgan.", Harry snapped, which caught her by surprise. Even I did.

Harry grabbed my wrist and led me outside, everyone making way.

Thanks, guys.

"Ow, Harry! Watch the wrist, will ya?", I said, jerking my arm away from him once we were outside.

"What was that in there? Are you the one engaging a fight now, Styles?", he sassed, which made me step back a little.

Dang, even though he's mad, he kinda turns me on.

Wait, what?

"Hello? Earth to Veronica? Hey!", he said, snapping his fingers in front of me.

"Uh, what?", I said, shaking my head. I swear ths effect this boy has on me is so weird.

"This is serious, Veronica.", he said with a blank expression. Okay, then.

"If you were there a few minutes ago, you would have seen everything, Wilson! So stop being so overprotective about your precious girlfriend and start thinking of other's feelings.", I yelled at him, running my fingers through my hair.

"It- it's not her I'm protective about.", he said. My eyes widened and I slowly met his gaze.

"Listen, about earlier, I didn't mean it. It's just, my mind is so conflicted right now. I- I'm sorry.", he said, bowing down.

The thought of him apologizing never crossed my mind. Even when we were still friends back in the day, he was never one for apologizing. Yeah, he was a stubborn best friend.

I don't know what came over me, but I cupped his face in my hand. It surprised me how warm they were, since it was practically 90° in here.

He seemed shocked at my actions, too, 'cause he flinched. But then, when my hands stayed, he relaxed and closed his eyes. I found myself smiling at the sight before me.

Could I possibly be falling for this guy?

"Harry?", I asked, him meeting my gaze.

"Yeah?", he said, removing my hands from his cheeks, holding them. As weird as it sounds, I kinda enjoyed the feeling.

"Is Jamie really your girlfriend?", I asked, since the curiosity was killing me. Not that I was interested, though.

He just chuckled and looked at the view, and I did the same. Wow, we've been standing here for quite some time now and I haven't noticed how beautiful the view was.

From here you could see the beach ahead. Waves were splashing everywhere, but calmer than earlier. Wind was blowing in our direction, and it just made everything a whole lot better.

There was silence in the air. But it wasn't awkward. It was kind of relaxing, really. Me standing with supposed 'love of my life', watching the waves by the ocean. Cheesy much?

"No.", he finally spoke, catching me off guard.

"What 'no'?", I asked, to which he just laughed to.

"The answer to your question, dummy.", he said, looking at me this time.

"So what are you two then?", I added.

"Why are you suddenly so interested in my love life, hmm?", he asked, cocking his eyebrow.

"Last I checked, I asked a question first.", I answered casually, evading the question.

He scoffed and spoke, "Okay, Ms. Sassypants, here's your answer."

I shifted my position so I was now facing him completely, eager to hear this story.

He sighed and said, "Jamie just broke up with her long-time boyfriend. She got really bummed and then started going out with whoever boy she liked."

"And I'm guessing you're one of her, shall we say, 'victims'?", I asked, air-quoting the 'victims'.

He nodded and added, "Yeah, though I don't know why she hasn't found anybody yet. I was expecting the day after we got together is the day we call it quits already."

I shrugged. "Maybe she hasn't found somebody else to fool around with."

He shrugged as well and again, silence fell over us.

"Thank you.", I said quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"What? 'Thank you' for what? For not being her girlfriend?", he asked, boring his eyes into mine again.

I laughed. "No silly, for... for apologizing. I never thought you would, since you were always cold with me.", I said and I could feel him smiling.

Creepy, isn't it?

We stared off into the beach again and I felt an arm drape around me.

"You're welcome."

A/N: Aww, this chapter was sweet. Could they actually be falling for each other already? I hope so, am I right, folks? Well, hope you're all enjoying this story as much as I am. See you soon, my mangoes! :-)

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