Just Another Popular

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Hi, I'm Veronica, Veronica Allison Wilson. I'm 17, already a senior and I study at Hayfield Academy. (A/N: Any similarities with persons, places and events in real life are just coincidental.)  My family's a very wealthy one, very popular, too.

We own multiple companies all around the state, all with our last name on them. We have four sports cars and two mansions. Later on, my brother and I will carry on the family business, and all these will be ours.

All the students in school know who I am. The girls at my school don't stand a chance with me, thanks to my sassiness.

Even some of the boys fear me, too. But most of them just want to get on with me since I'm popular and wealthy. Those jerks think I'm actually that low to get with them.

I know you keep hearing the negative stuff, but I have best friends, too. Their names are Christy and Yvonne, twins. Christy's the shy but funny one while Yvonne's the loud and eccentric one.

It's kinda cool having them around, watching them bicker about different types of things. They're actually pretty funny when they argue, like they're doing right now.

"No, Sharlene likes Gavin!", said Christy. "What the-no way! She's in love with James!", argued Yvonne.

"Would you two just shut up?", I said, earning glares from the two. They both also rolled their eyes in unison. Twins.

They did things that no other girl dare do to me.

"Whatever, Ronnie. You're such a K.J.", Yvonne said, to which I just chuckled at. We were all just so used to each other that we would get mad for a bit, then laugh about it the next.

We were so engrossed in our fake-fight that we bumped into someone. But not just any 'someone'.

It was Harry Styles, the greatest nerd who ever lived. I know I'm exaggerating it a lot, but it's true. That kid doesn't know anything but study.

And maybe make these dumb inventions that would never be famous since he's so nerdy.

"Hey, watch where you're going, nerd! I don't want your nerd juice all over me.", I said, rolling my eyes and scanning him up and down, rubbing the part where we touched.

He had his head down and was carrying all his books.

I decided to have some fun with him and throw all his books on the floor. "Oops, sorry about that-what's your name again?", I laughed without humor.

He just picked up his books and walked off in the other direction.

"Yeah, that's right, nerd! Go away! No one needs you!", I said, laughing in the process. When I looked back, though, the two didn't look amused.

"Ronnie, why do you treat Harry like that?", Christy said, her voice lowering. "Yeah, what did he ever do to you?", Yvonne asked me.

"Nothing. But, you guys know I hate nerds. Being seen with them reduces your popularity points, you know?", I replied casually.

They both just shook their heads. "Just remember Ronnie, karma's a boomerang.", Christy lectured me again.

I just rolled my eyes and muttered a 'whatever' and we continued heading towards our room.

A/N: Veronica's bad, huh? Yeah, sorry about that. That's just how I made the main character, for now. Hope you're liking it so far! This story is gonna be very thrilling, though. Just you all wait! Well, that's all for now! Bye! -RedstripedGirl175

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