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From: Veronica

What? What is it?

From: Sorceress

You have to fall in love with Harry.

I nearly choked on my saliva. Was she being serious?

From: Veronica

No freaking way. I will NOT associate myself with that dweeb.

From: Sorceress

Fine, have it your way. But don't come crying to me when you're life is fully taken over.

She has a point. I want my life back. My family, friends, my home, I want it all back. But I can't just teach my heart to love him. Especially now since I practically despise the man.

From: Sorceress

Don't worry, honey. Just let life flow. I'm sure you'd be head-over-heels for Harry in no time, since he's so freaking hot right now.

Really? Was she fangirling on him right now?

From: Veronica

Well, if you say so. I gotta go. I have school tomorrow. Thanks for the help.

And with that, I shut it down. How in the world am I going to fall in love with the boy I hate so much? Ugh, this is going to be hard.

I mentally sighed and started to drift off to sleep. After a while, darkness took over me.


I woke up and sunlight beamed my face. Ugh, I should really get some curtains. I lazily walked over to the bathroom and I heard my stomach grumble. Oh yeah, I forgot I didn't eat dinner last night.

I brushed my teeth and did some other stuff then headed to the closet. I chose to wear a shirt that looked really lame, some khaki pants, rubber shoes and a jacket.

I put the jacket around my waist just to add some style to my outfit, if possible. With that, I headed downstairs and looked for "Dad". I found a note on the fridge.

Dear Ronnie,

Hey, sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. Gotta head to work 'cause of some appointment. See you later, cupcake. -Dad

I shrugged and grabbed the keys to the house, since apparently, we had a spare. I also grabbed my bag and left.

I then reached school. I noticed it was just 7:30 A.M. Wow, am I really that early? I'm never early. Usually I reach school about 10 minutes before the bell rings.

Oh no, the nerdiness is taking over.

I walked around for a couple of minutes when I saw two familiar heads. I smiled and put my arms around them, them squealing and whacking me on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?", I said pouting, rubbing my head.

"Oops, sorry Ronnie. You scared us back there!", they said, giggling. The bastards still had the nerve to giggle.

Just then, Harry arrived, ruining our moment.

"Well, well, if it isn't the nerds of Hayfield. Why don't you guys pack your bags, grab your books and get the hell outta here?", he said, grabbing our books and throwing them on the floor.

Oh no, he didn't.

He turned around and walked away, but I grabbed him by the shoulder and punched his delicate face.

Wait, what?

"You little-" "That's enough! Both of you, detention!", Mr. Roy yelled at us, making us glare at each other.

Let's just say it isn't cool to punch someone square in the jaw when you're in front of the principal's office. That guy's like a hawk. He sees everything.

We both turned around from each other, the twins still having shocked expressions on their faces.

"Woah, Ronnie! Where did yiu learn karate?", Yvonne asked incredulously.
"Yeah, that stuff was like, kuh-razy!", said Christy, waving her hands in the air.

I smirked and said, "Let's just say your best friend's a natural."

We headed straight to the next class. We sat down and I could feel eyes burning on me. I looked around and saw Harry boring his eyes into mine, a bruise forming on his lower jaw.

Falling in love with him is gonna be tough, I tell ya.

A/N: Hey yo! How's the story so far? Liking it? Hating it? Cursing the author for her lame ideas? Yeah, I know this story might not be good enough for y'all, sorry 'bout that. But to those who appreciate, thanks. Please message me, 'kay? Love lots! -RedstripedGirl175

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