Chapter 29

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Destiny POV

"Can you believe his dumb ass actually let her stay there?" I ranted to the triplets. I was furious with Rome for letting Diane stay with him.

"I mean, she's done so much shit to him and to me." I continued to express my feelings.

"Destiny, you've been talking about this for the past hour, I love you but-" Bri got cut off.

"Please shut the fuck up!" Rocky yelled in an irritated tone.

"I haven't been talking about it for that long." I rolled my eyes. They're so dramatic

"Yes, you have. I started timing you." Jay showed me her phone.

"You guys don't understand." I groaned and plopped down on my bed.

"I understand that someone still has feelings for Rome." Bristol sung.

"I'm always gonna feel this way, he was my first love, Macky didn't count." I shrugged.

"I think this is more than first love shit. Destiny, do you still like Rome?" Rocky asked.

"Oh shit, you do." Jay said when I didn't say anything.

"I didn't say I did."

"But you're not denying it either." Bri pointed out.

"You guys are just imagining things." I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm, whatever." Rocky commented.

"I have a boyfriend who treats me very nice." I pointed out.

"What?" I asked them when they just looked at me.

"Our mama said if you don't have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all." Jay said with a straight face.

"I hate all of y'all." I chuckled before leaving for Rome's house.

2 Weeks Later

I ignored my stomach as it growled.

I've been cutting back on my meals for the past 2 weeks and I'm so proud of myself. Morris is proud of me too.

"You're not gonna eat?" Diane asked. I rolled my eyes at her voice.

"I will after I give Rome his food." I lied.

Yeah, I was hungry but I needed to focus on losing some extra weight.

Dealing with Diane had been hell, she's always in my business and always trying to come in between me and Rome.

"I'm going job hunting." Diane said while I was feeding Rome.

"The fuck you tellin' me for?" Rome asked which made Diane leave the room looking like a lost little puppy.

"What? It's not you want her here either." he said when I shot him a look.

"Well, she wouldn't be here if you didn't let her." I replied smartly. He rolled his eyes.

"You ready to go to the doctor's tomorrow?" I asked.

"Hell yes, I'm tryna see when I can get these bitches off." he was referring to his cast. "A nigga can't do nothing on these on.

"It's just a check up, don't get too excited. Is Sabrina coming?" I kept feeding him.

"Yeah, you know she has to come. She's thinks she's grown and can tell a nigga what to do." he rolled his eyes.

"I think it's cute, and you can't blame her, you're the only family she has left." I shrugged. "Why don't you talk to any of your family?"

Rome has family but I guess his relationship with them is really strained.

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