Haters gonna hate

297 18 26

Ooh, how I despise haters and "fakes" (just recently learned what the modern definition of that was)

Stop Hating on twilight! I haven't read the books, I watched the movies.

Most the people who hate on twilight haven't read the books. And if they have, they are being hipster against hipster (hope that made sense.)

I mean, come on people, tell me what is wrong with Twilight.

Sparkly vampire; the author has an amazing imagination. she wanted to try something different. with that said, if you rant about sparkly vamps being cliche, you're wrong. it was an original idea.

Teen pregnancy; yeh, at least she was 18 and married before she got pregnant, so nothing wrong with this (she was 17 in the first movie, they never made a big deal of her birthday, you missed out on it.)

One face mc; you should be thankful that she ain't two faced...

Oh, the love triangle was the only thing I hated. Bella, you were his mate, he loved you, you knew him when you were kids. Then a new guy comes in and your confused? no sweety, you chose the one you knew first, at least you know he isn't a killer.

What else... I forgot the other thing people say they hate when there is no reason to hate them. I'm a hater, I hate myself. the end

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