Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Comments: Well, it turns out that it was only Brendan's Lauren shrine that was missing xD On to more important things! Tyson decides to not tell anyone what Robin did, and try to convince her to not cheat anymore. However, he does give her info about the three other competitors (Brendan, Fred, and Alison) that are in the next challenge. Robin decides to visit Seamus in the Infermary, saying she's one of Alison's friends, and puts him under an Imperius curse. She makes him say some pretty mean things to Alison, and tells her not to visit him anymore, in order to throw Alison off her game. It works, Alison is sent crying back to her tent. Tyson delivers the letter for the second challenge to Alison and Lauren, and after seeing Alison, he has a feeling that Robin might have done something to her. While Alison tries to get over Seamus, Lauren heads to the library to do some research on their next challenge. She meets Robin, and Robin steals her notes. Tyson catches her and gives them back to Lauren. Robin seems angry about this, and Alison catches them fighting outside the library. The next day, Lauren and George both seem to be missing, and Ron and Harry think Alison has depression XD


"Where is it!?" Brendan shrieked. "You took it, didn't you?"

"I didn't take anything…” Josh stammered as he cowered in the corner.

Brendan screamed again and threw a vase that was in the room on the ground.

"Brendan, what is going on?" Alison exclaimed.

"Someone took my Lauren shrine!" Brendan snapped.

Alison and Lauren face palmed.

"Brendan, no one in the right mind would take that." Lauren sighed.

"I bet it was Potter wait… no… Weasley! No, Malfoy!" Brendan rambled anxiously, searching through the tent.

"Uh, Brendan-" Alison began but was cut off.

"What about Mimi?" Brendan continued rambling.

In the Ravenclaw tent, Tyson finally returned.

"So you came back, huh?" Robin smirked. "You're just in time for you to give me what you've found."

"What?" Tyson questioned.

"The challenge is in less then a week, and our letter is coming tonight, so you're going to give me the information you found!" Robin stated.

Tyson sighed. He figured that he had to be on good terms with Robin otherwise they would lose. His only hope was that he could convince Robin not to cheat anymore.

"Okay… um… Brendan." Tyson began, picking up his binder. "He forged his papers into Hogwarts, and he's not a wizard. He stalked Lauren in muggle school and now, and she's tried to block him from her life. And… um… he doesn't own a wand so he uses Josh's."

Robin took the notes down on a separate sheet of paper. "Okay, next?"

"As for Fred, he is George's twin brother, and he likes to have fun rather than be serious. He has a big family, and a lot of siblings, mostly boys, and they're all gingers. His family is pretty poor too. He’s on the Quidditch team, as a beater. Him and George are good friends with Alison and Lauren and looking at this camera…" Tyson pulled the camera out of his pocket. "He danced with Alison at the Yule Ball quite a few times."

Tyson slipped the camera back into his pocket, regretting now that he had taken it out.

"A camera? Is it theirs?" Robin inquired.

"Yeah, I found it in their tent." Tyson murmured. "Anyways, moving on. Alison is Lauren's cousin and their Uncle is Professor Snape. She's also on the Quidditch team, a chaser. Ron and sometimes Draco follow her around so she dislikes them." Tyson flipped the page on his notes. "Alison also has a bit of a temper and commonly verbally attacks or beats people up to resolve things… according to Ron at least. She was supposed to go with Seamus Finnegan to the Yule Ball but apparently either Ron or Draco pushed him down the stairs."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2012 ⏰

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