Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Six

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Chapter Comments: I'm sorry, but I do find this chapter quite boring xD My least favourite so far. Anyways! They seem to be favourite students already with Lupin, especially Lauren. Boggarts... are fun... wow... O_O We end off with Josh wanting to ask DRACO to the ball? This is wrong on so many levels, but Josh isn't gay! That's a relief! After they give him advice, he asks Draco in a disturbing way O_O Weirdly, Draco says yes, but probably just to make Alison and Lauren jealous. Yeah, that's gonna work... of course. They get a letter in the middle of the night... from JOSH? After a bit of an argument, they decide to go get him with the Weasley twins


The next day, one of their Herbology classes was combined with Josh’s Herbology class.

"Alright, class, today in Herbology-” Professor Sprout began but was cut off by Josh.

Josh applauded. Alison and Lauren looked at him.

"Err… Thank you Josh…" Professor Sprout said, looking disturbed. "Today we will be focusing on Mandrakes… who can tell me what a mandrake is used for?"

"They are used to revive people who have been petrified." Lauren stated.

"Yeah, and their cry is fatal." Alison added.

"Excellent girls!" Professor Sprout exclaimed. "20 points to Slytherin!"

Lauren and Alison smiled.

Professor Sprout demonstrated how to plant the mandrakes and then gave one to each of the students.

"Now, even though these are baby mandrakes, and their cry isn't fatal yet, you are all required to wear these earmuffs." Professor Sprout explained as she passed out purple earmuffs to the students.

"Have you all got your earmuffs on? Good." She began. "On the count of three, pull your mandrake from the soil. One… two… three!"

As the mandrakes surfaced, an earsplitting cry filled the greenhouse. Alison and Lauren, along with the other students, cringed.

Lauren turned around to see Josh pass out, Alison snorted.

"It appears Mr. Vanderlinden has been misusing his earmuffs." Professor Sprout sighed. "I need two volunteers to take him to Madame Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing…"

"We'll do it!" Alison said, motioning to Lauren.

"Very well girls." Professor Sprout approved. “Just head to your next class when you’re done."

"Okay." Alison and Lauren said in unison.

Lauren and Alison heaved Josh out of the Greenhouse and to the Hospital Wing.

"What do we have here?" Madame Pomfrey questioned when she saw Josh.

"Baby Mandrake cry." Lauren explained.

"Ah… I see." Madame Pomfrey replied.“Leave him on that cot and run along to your next class."

Alison and Lauren nodded headed to their next class, which was Defense Against The Dark Arts.

"This is the job Uncle Severus wants, right?" Alison questioned.

"Yes." Lauren replied. "But he got stuck in Potions."

Alison and Lauren entered the classroom and sat down.

"A little early aren’t we?"

Alison and Lauren turned around to see a man dressed in beige robes with a noticeable scar on his cheek.

"Oh, we were just at the Hospital Wing." Alison explained. "We had to take our friend there."

"I see. Well I may as well introduce myself… I am your new Defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Lupin."

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