Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Comments: Well, Lauren and Tyson survive the dragon until the teachers can restrain it, and everyone seems to be okay except for some cuts and bruises. The win (and three points) are awarded to both Lauren and Tyson, while George recieves two points, and Josh recieves one. Alison and Lauren become curious about how the dragon got there and decide to talk to Hagrid and get some information.They learn that the dragon was being kept in some underground cages and was being studied by a sixth year DADA class. Meanwhile, George doesn't seem too happy that he lost to Tyson, and both him and Fred catch a glimpse of Tyson and Robin sneaking around the Hufflepuff tent. Lauren and Alison continue to investigate in the next few weeks, but have no luck with any of the teachers. Robin reveals to Tyson that she confunded George and let the Dragon out, which caused Tyson to get mad and leave the tent. Lauren sees that he is angry, but Tyson doesn't reveal what Robin said. Alison learns some transfiguration, and then we end off with Brendan screaming? o_o


Screams off horror began sounding from the stands as students scattered for cover. The dragon dropped and landed in the middle of the arena, narrowly missing Lauren and Tyson.

"Is this your idea of a surprise challenge!?" Professor Snape hissed at Hagrid. "That is my niece!"

"I had nothing to do with that dragon!" Hagrid retorted frantically.

Professor Lupin came running up and scowled.

"The point is not whose fault it is, the point is there is a dragon in very close vicinity to two students!" Lupin exclaimed.

"Well you’re the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, why don't you handle it!" Snape snapped.

"Severus, this is no time for silly quarrels we have to help Lauren and Tyson!"

Lauren jumped away, barely missing the swoop of the dragon's tail. She quickly sprinted behind a rock to avoid a blast of fire from the dragon's mouth. Tyson quickly jumped down beside her.

"What is this?" Tyson said harshly but Lauren could see the panic in his eyes.

"I don't know." Lauren panted. “It is a Hungarian Horntail though. Very deadly. Professor Lupin told me about them.”

"So how do we stop it? Is this part of the task?"

"No, Horntails are too dangerous. I don't know how to stop it."

Suddenly, the rock split. Lauren and Tyson turned around to see the Horntail facing them. The Horntail opened its jaws and a flash of orange flames came hurdling towards the competitors.

Tyson quickly jumped, knocking him and Lauren to the ground and evading the flames. The two quickly scrambled to their feet, preparing for battle.

A screech sounded as the dragon approached the competitors, it's sharp teeth visibly bared from in its mouth.

"You don't have ANY idea what we should do!?" Tyson exclaimed as spells flashed in his mind.

"I know defenses." Lauren panicked. "But we can't keep that up forever!"

The Horntail began to beat it's wings blowing gusts of wind towards the competitors, knocking them backwards onto a huge boulder.

They were cornered.

The Horntail screeched as it approached them menacingly.

Lauren and Tyson raised their wands and braced themselves. The winner of the duel meant nothing anymore.

All of a sudden, Lauren and Tyson heard Dumbledore yell an incantation. The dragon immediately was bound in rope and pushed to the ground. Steam emitted from the dragons nostrils and it fought to break free from the ropes that bound its body and jaws. It's eyes were still glaring menacingly at the two startled competitors.

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