Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Seven

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Chapter Comments: Well, they have the mauraders map, the twins, and they're set to go! Haha, anyone remember Teen Titans? xD It was an amazing show. What a surprise... Ron and Harry are the other two sets of footprints! -.- After considering the dangers of the Forbidden Forest, they decide it would be better to split up to find them. After a bit of argument over who goes with who AND who gets the map, they set off on their different ways. Fred learns that Alison has a date to the Yule Ball (should of asked her a couple of chapters ago when you had the chance! xD). And they find everyone O_O But It's not like you can go into the dark forest and not get caught. Thankfully, lupin seems to be a bit more forgiving then Snape and they are let off the hook.


“See, I knew they’d be around here somewhere. What are you doing?" Alison questioned.

"Well, we were going to raid the kitchen…" Fred began.

"But whatever you need us for, we will gladly do instead." George finished.

Alison and Lauren explained the situation to the twins.

"Josh isn't gay is he?" Fred asked, slightly disturbed.

"That's what we said!" Alison and Lauren exclaimed in unison.

The twins laughed.

"Well, I think you two need the Marauders Map." George explained.

"What exactly is that?" Lauren said, raising an eyebrow.

George took out a faded piece of parchment.

"Ooh parchment..." Alison rolled her eyes.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Fred said, tapping the paper with his wand.

A complicated map spread out over the paper, Lauren and Alison's jaws dropped.

"Are those footsteps?" Lauren asked while observing the map.

"They show every person, every place, every time, of everyday." Fred explained.

"Josh appears to be in this area of the forest." George said, pointing to the map.

Josh's footprints were clearly visible pacing by Draco's.

"Well, we better get going." Alison groaned. "I want to get back to bed."

They quickly sprinted down the stairs and outside to the edge of the forest.

"Alright let's start here." Fred suggested. "Josh isn't that far."

"TEEN TITANS GO!" Lauren yelled.

Everyone looked at her.

"I've always wanted to say that!' Lauren smiled.

George and Fred exchanged concerned glances.

"Uh… yeah, let's just go" Lauren said, pushing some branches out of the way.

“Wait a minute.” George muttered.

“What?” Alison glanced over at the map.

“We’re not alone. There are two more people besides them in the forest.”

"No way!" Fred glanced at the map. "RON! AND HARRY!"

"What the… what are they doing out here!?" Alison and Lauren exclaimed in unison.

"No clue… either way they probably aren't just looking around." George sighed.

"They seem to be walking in circles too. Are they lost? Should we go get them as well?" Lauren asked.

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