Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Comments: WROCK FTW! It's awesome- But not when 'BHRD' are singing it -.- Thankfully, it was a pointless battle. Well, except for when Josh was knocked out... :) The night ends with songs, curtains, and shrines? Well it is another beautiful cloud filled day at Hogwarts? Alison goes to visit Seamus in the infirmary and finds out some unknown occurrences that happened at the Yule Ball? Will Ron and Draco make it out alive? Will Seamus be jealous Alison danced with Fred? On another note there is a new student at Hogwarts this time from ALISON'S Muggle school????? Will she be a friend or just another stalker to Lauren and Alison? -__- By our experience you should know the answer.


"What's going on?" Alison questioned.

"I don't know?" Lauren said, trying to find her wand to cast lumos.

“See if I ever forget my wand again.” Alison muttered, referring to both now and when she was locked in a closet.

Faint stage lights began to glow and black silhouettes rose from the ground.

"Hello Hogwarts!" Harry yelled.

"Oh please no." Lauren pleaded.

"Are you ready to wizard rock!" Ron added.

Everyone was silent except for Josh from behind the curtains.

"Yes!" Josh cried.

"Where are Fred and George?" Alison asked.

"Beats me." Lauren replied.

"We are Ron and Harry." Harry began. "That’s Brendan on the bass and Draco on the drums."

“And we sing and play guitar!" Ron smiled.

"Together we are BHRD!" Draco exclaimed.

"And we are singing to win the hearts of two lovely Slytherins!" Brendan winked.

"Yeah Millicent and Pansy." Laughed two voices from backstage, the Weasley twins were soon in view.

"What! How did you get out?" Ron panicked. “We put you in the closet."

"It's not like you locked it or anything, we just walked out." Fred explained. "And this is our show now."

"WHAT!" Harry exclaimed.

"You guys against us. The winners get Alison and Lauren, and the losers have to leave them alone for a week."

Lauren and Alison's jaws hit the floor.

"Bring it on!" Ron yelled. "One… two… three!”

Brendan and Draco began crashing drums and strumming the bass.

"Where are the chaperones!?" Lauren yelled.

"I don't know, but this is getting ridiculous!" Alison growled.

They both plugged their ears at the sound of Harry and Ron joining in on the guitars.

"It's sounds like someone is dying!" Alison yelled.

Lauren nodded.

"Turn up the volume!" Draco flicked a switch on an amp.

They could hear the sounds of students filing out of the Yule Ball.

Fred and George looked at each other as if to say: 'what have we gotten ourselves into?' Neither of them had an instrument.

"ITS GONNA BE A DIFFERENT YEAR, THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR FEAR!" Harry sang horribly. No one in their 'band' sounded like they knew how to play their instrument, and they certainly couldn't sing.

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