Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at Hogwarts: Chapter Ten

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Chapter Comments: Well Alison FINALLY figures out where Seamus went, but is encouraged not to go fight Ron and Draco. I guess she is cheered up when her and Fred dance xD When in doubt you can always get your date punch I suppose? Just to clear things up Lupin is NOT a pedophile. He just happens to be in weird places at bad times. Also you guys should know why the full moon is so significant. Maybe this fairytale night won't be so picture perfect after all what with the "sexual predators" and all, no big deal really. Josh apparently finds curtains fun but here is the big question though...Who turned off the lights?


"What?" Alison's jaw dropped.

"Yeah! I didn't think you would be so sad that he tripped down the stairs. Actually, maybe someone pushed him. Who told you he DITCHED you?" Lauren questioned.

"Draco." Alison hissed, and got up, but Lauren restrained her.

"Come on. Just forget about them for a couple of minutes." Lauren sighed.

"I'm not just 'letting them off the hook'! They RUINED my night!" Alison challenged.

There was a brief pause.

"I feel so bad now." Alison sighed.

"It's okay." Lauren said, looking at where George was talking to a very gloomy looking Fred. He glanced over at Alison and stood up.

Lauren smiled.

"What?" Alison asked, rubbing her eyes again.

"Hey." Fred said nervously.

"Hi." Alison sniffled.

"I bet you're night's been as fun as mine." Fred laughed.

Alison smiled for the first time that night. "Yeah."

A slow song began playing, Lauren's eyes widened as she saw Brendan and Harry running towards her.

"Um, be right back!" Lauren got up and ran off.

George sighed. "I swear, if they want to slow dance with you, they're getting through me first!"

He ran after her, and then ran back for a brief moment. "Well… maybe the night's not over yet." George smirked, then ran off again.

"Okay, um, wow. This is awkward but…" Fred held out his hand. "Want to dance?"

Alison's blushed, but her face lit up. “Yeah”

She took his hand and they walked to the dance floor, Draco looked on from across the hall.

"WHAT? NO!" Draco shrieked.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked.

"Josh! Quiet for just a minute!" Draco whipped out his walkie-talkie. "Ron! We have a code red!"

"The punch is all gone?!" Ron shrieked.

"No! The OTHER code red!" Draco said in frustration.

"Alison's dancing with someone else? That's code purple. Get your facts straight." Ron sighed.

"No! It's even worse… SLOW DANCING!" Draco fretted.

It was silent.

“Who is she dancing with? Where? I'm coming right now!" Ron said in a fast, nervous, mumble.

"Um, not sure where, but with Fred." Draco answered, scratching his head and looking around.

"FRED? How could my own brother betray me like this!"

Alison and Lauren's Misadventures at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now