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As I look up through the milky film of the water at the sun, I see three figures looking down through the water at what would appear to be a typical teenage girl, but little did they know exactly what I was capable of.


“Kalinda!”, I open my weary eyes to see a furious face looking down at me. I blinked some more willing my eyes to shake away the sleep that shielded them.

“Yes?”, I asked as I realised that it was my mother that was looking at me.

“You are going to be late for Training again!” came her rather annoyed tone.

”Oh crap” I sighed as I drowsily got out of bed.

 “Good morning sweetheart”, Dad chimed as he popped the toast up out of the toaster and put them on my plate.

“Morning, Dad”, I said as the smell of food allured me away from my hazy sleepiness. More awake now, I quickly ate my breakfast and rushed back to my room to get ready for training.

I looked at myself in the mirror “Oh god, I look dreadful” I murmured picking up the brush and yanking it through my hair. As I opened my wardrobe Stephanie, my three year old sister, charged out and clung to my leg. “Stephanie! What are you doing in my wardrobe again? Get off! I have to go to Training!” I said letting my frustration show.

“Sorry, Kali” Stephanie mumbled, hopping off my leg and running away. I took a deep breath and yanked a top and some cargo shorts out.

 Dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror again, “Ahh, that’s better” I mumbled to myself as I pulled my dark brown hair into a loose ponytail and looking into the mirror. There I stood, one of the best fighters there were at Training. Also one who dressed differently to the others, well it’s not my fault they’re only there to impress the guys, I thought slyly to myself. Besides I didn’t think I looked that bad, ponytail, orange shoulder cut top with a red singlet underneath and khaki knee long cargo shorts, along with my orange and black sneakers.

”Owell”, I thought as I grabbed my khaki coloured bag and ran out of the house and into the waiting car.

“Hey!” said Xia, my best friend. “Hey, thanks for the ride” I said happy to just relax now that I was on my way. “Kalinda I pick you up for Training everyday, you don’t have to keep thanking me I don’t mind picking you up, I mean your house is on the way to Training anyway”.

“Yeah I know but not saying it makes me feel bad”, I said as I realised that how it had sounded in my head was good but when it came out it sounded rediculous.

“Look just stop thanking me everyday and I will stop complaining about how you look, OK?” Xia said.

“Fine by me” I said looking out the window at the shadowed hills.

“Good”, Xia sighed as she pulled out from an intersection, as I turned my head to look at Xia I saw it, the thing all people living in the territory of Sol are brought up to fear. Agents.

”Xia look out!”, I screamed as the approaching vehicle screeched to a halt just a few metres from our car. Now she was looking and the look on her face asked the same question as mine, what the hell are we supposed to do? “Take my hand” I whispered.

“What? Why?”, came her confused whisper back.

“Just do it!” I replied. She was utterly dumbstruck, unmoving, then her mouth fell open and I guessed that she had just clicked onto who exactly I was, then in an instant she leaned away from me and looked at me as if I was some kind of freak.

“You, you you’re one of the legendary ones” she stammered.

“Yes now take my hand, now quick!”.

“No”, came the word I had feared, “No you’ll hurt me if I do that I know what you are asking and I wont do it”. Crap I thought, what was I supposed to do now? Just then a window of the car was smashed in, I turned to see a hooded figure unlock Xia’s car door and pull her out.

“No!” I yelled as I turned to get out of my car door, but there was another hooded figure standing there blocking my escape. Furious now I unlocked the door and kicked it into the figure with a bone breaking ‘crack’, I pushed him out of the way and ran to the other side of the car. The hooded figure now running to the vehicle with my best friend, Think Kalinda! I thought. I stood there, helpless as they took my best friend away, I felt my hands start to get uncomfortably hot; I looked down at them and thought how can I just let them getaway like this? I have to stop them!, not knowing what the outcome of this would be I let my power seep through my veins, until the burning in my body overtook all my senses. With rage and frustration on my side I took hold of my power and with it I teleported myself into the vehicle where they were holding Xia captive.

"Kalinda!", Xia almost yelled with relief.

"Shhh! Xia take my hand NOW!", I said tripping over the words as I could hardly think because of the adrenaline was pouring through my body.

I didn't wait for her reply, instead I grabbed her hand just as two hooded figures busted through the doors of the vehicle, but it was too late we were already glowing orange as I was getting ready to teleport somewhere safe.


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