I Do X 2

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1 Year till the Wedding

Snowbird POV

I love the feeling of being engaged to a wonderful man. He had an incredible talent of making pictures out of stain glass. He made the glass he had promised me. It had many different shades of blue that played the water and sky. A bright moon with me on the boat, looking at the moon. We had decided to wait to get married. He had to sell his house in Gustauvs. We decided to build a cabin here in Browntown with a room that looked out onto the beach to be used as his studio. Blaine had started staying in Browntown for two weeks at a time and then two at home. He had just put his house on the market. We had started doing odd end jobs to pay for our honeymoon. We didn't know where we wanted to go but we want to go somewhere for some alone time. I was thrilled to have a double wedding with my big brother. Eleanor is great and couldn't be happier with his choice. She had been through so much I hope she could see Bam would be a great husband.

Eleanor POV

I was excited that I was getting married but all I could think about how my last marriage ended. I was still in the middle of a nasty divorce. My almost ex-husband would not sign the papers. I had begged him but he said I would always be his. I didn't want to tell Bam just yet. I needed more time to convince him. I was also scared of Bam's temper sometimes. He would raise his voice but then he would see me. He would walk over to me and take my face in his hands. He would say he was sorry for scaring me. I wanted to stay in the guest room in Noah and Lacy's cabin until the baby is born. Bam promised our cabin would be built by then. I had asked him to build an extra room for my art studio. I had been painting since I was ten. Then later on I had moved to America and didn't have the money for supplies. It was a way to calm myself from all of the flashbacks. I couldn't wait to be brides together with Birdy as she had become my best friend.

6 Months till the Wedding

Eleanor POV

I had found the perfect dress today. I had gone into a vintage store to find the gown. Ami was going to do the alterations for both dresses. Snowbird has not picked out her dress yet. I kept telling her that she needs to go shopping soon so the dress can be altered. The only thing that been taken care was the ceremony. The boys were going to build a few benches and an arch for the couples to stand under.

Snowbird POV

Eleanor was getting everything done for her side of the wedding. We really needed to figure out all of the details for the reception. I want to have salmon for dinner with a cake made by mom. Eleanor walked to the main cabin to discuss the reception. We both agree and everything was taken care of but my dress.

3 Months till the Wedding


All of the girls are running around like crazy trying to get things done for the wedding. I'm trying to build a cabin for Snowbird. All of the boys were helping. Blaine was trying to help with his cabin and then we would work on mine. He is sleeping on the floor in the main house. I stopped doing my side of the cabin and I could see all of the girls in the main cabin. They were going around Eleanor and Snowbird as they were trying to figure out more details for the wedding. Rainy was doing the girls hair and makeup. I think Eleanor had said they were testing out which colors they were wanting to use. I think Lacy and Grace were making the flower crowns that there were going to wear as well. I would have just been okay with just having a ceremony outside on the beach because all I wanted was her.

Blaine POV

I could see all of the girls in the main cabin as I was putting in a window directed towards the beach. I had finally sold my house and I would be bringing all of my things next weekend. I knew after we had built both houses we would build the benches for the ceremony. Which had to be "prefect" as Eleanor says. She wants some details on the back of the bench that she said she would have to watch over us. Snowbird and I had talked about letting Eleanor do most of the planning, make the wedding she always wanted. Her last marriage wasn't the best and we wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams. All we wanted was a simple ceremony in the main house before the start of a work day.

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