A New Connection

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Matt had always said he was single for a reason. He was feeling more alone than usual. He could hear Lacy and Noah in their house as it was next to his tire house. His dream was to find a real bush woman. One year later, it was Lacy and Noah anniversary and I guess they wanted to celebrate with some alone time. I finally fell asleep as the happy couple became quiet.

I remember the girl with red hair at their wedding. She had bought Lacy's old house. I thought about her all the time. She was absolutely beautiful. She works with Lacy at the theatre as the stage manager. As the entire family had met for breakfast in the main house, Lacy was talking about the next play she was going to direct. "The story of Cinderella told by the three stooges. The play is like a Commedia Del Arte; it is like a traveling show from the Renaissance period." Rainy asks "Who is Cinderella?" Lacy replied "I'll tell you later but I need to ask a question to the rest of the family. I need some help building some sets. The group that I usually use, the main man has an 8-month pregnant wife that is due any day." If we did this job, that would mean I could meet the red headed girl. "Would the stage manager be there when we work? I want to be sure we are doing the set correctly." All of the family knew that I liked her. "Yes, the stage manager has to be there everyday." I became excited.

The family had started on the sets the next day and she was there. As we continued to work, she was helping us build. She knew her way around a pair of hammer and nails. I had found out her name was Amelia. She had brown eyes and pale skin. Her hair went passed her shoulders and it looked silky like I could run my fingers through it. I took us two days to build everything they needed. Lacy came towards me "Just ask her out already. Put us all out of our misery."

Amelia POV

I wanted to let Matt in but my ex-husband had died overseas in Iraq. He was a part of special forces. I never knew what he did because it was top secret. Matt was so full of life and it was a change from all of the sadness in my life. I had married young, the day after graduation. We were young and in love. He had gone off to basic training after Memorial Day weekend. We had been stationed in South Carolina at the base there. He had come back from basic training but we only had two weeks together before he would leave again. I never saw him again. It had felt like months but it had only been three weeks. The famous car would come around the neighborhood to tell the other wives that they were now widows. It was my day. One of the wounded soldiers that had been injured during the attack had come to tell me the news. I never wanted to date another man until I had seen Matt. I live liked the Browns and it was my salvation. I was brought out of my thoughts to hear a knock at the door. I walked to the door to find Matt standing there. "Hey, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out sometime?" "Sure." And the rest is history.

Matt and I had married a few months later in Browntown. I had told Matt all about my first husband and he was fine with it. He never wanted to push me into anything that I wasn't comfortable with. I moved into his tire house, and I was in love with it. He was building onto the house because I was pregnant and due any day. The family was trying to get ready for winter and the tire house was the last project. Lacy and Noah had just found out that they would be expecting their first child come fall. I watched as my husband worked and the baby kicked making me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. I could hear a horn in the distance signaling Lacy's friend Grace was pulling into the bay.

Gabe POV

I heard a horn coming from the bay. The family stopped fixing the tire house to walk to the beach. Lacy was walking very quickly to the beach to meet her friend as Noah told her to slow down so she didn't hurt the baby. Someone was driving in on a skiff and as it came in closer, the most beautiful girl stepped out. She had black curly hair, dark skin, short and petite. Lacy ran to her friend and both hugged until they turned to the rest of us. "Everyone this is Grace; Grace this is my family." She introduced us individually as it finally came to me. We shook hands and a form of electricity created a circuit between our hands as we made our first connection.

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