Close Encounter

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Amelia POV
Isabella and I were in the woods picking berries to make a blueberry pie. Well, I was picking as she played in the dirt. I had already picked half a bucket and was satisfied with the amount. I look back up and Isabella was gone. "Isabella! Isabella! Where are you?" A shot rang out in the distance, I picked up my rifle to be prepared.
I ran back to Browntown hoping she had walked back. Matt saw my running down the trail. "Amelia, What is it?" "I can't find Isabella, I look back up from picking berries and she isn't there." "Boys we need to go out." All of the brothers grabbed their guns as they set out on a hunt.

I waited hours for them to come back. I had to go out and help them. I couldn't leave my baby girl out in woods all alone. I grabbed my gun as I stepped out of the tire house. I start walking outside of town and followed the creek closet to the garden. I was walking further and further into the woods to see her sitting on a rock by the creek. I ran over to her the best I could, gathering her up into my arms. "Isabella, why did you run off?" "I started following a frog as it jumped from rock to rock. I wanted to keep the frog as a pet. Like Uncle Noah does with his spiders and other animals." I just hugged her.

I hear a growl come from behind me. I looked up to see a bear standing there. I turn my back to my daughter to shield her. I tried to back myself up against a tree like Matt had taught me. We both tripped as the rock were slippery because of the water. The bear stood on it hind legs and it was about to attack but I hear another shot rang out as the bear fell to the side, it was dead. I look up hoping it was Matt or one of the boys but it was a different man. I had never seen him before. "Get Up and follow me." We do as we are told and walk back to Browntown.

The man had his gun pointed at me as we walk. We stepped back into town with the entire family in the main cabin as it was already dark. Matt saw us through the window as he ran out to greet us. He noticed the other man as he raised his rifle. "Put the gun down or I will shot you down." My daughter and I were in the middle of the cross fire. "I'll let you take your daughter back but your wife is insurance that you will do what I say." Isabella looked up at me and I said "Go to daddy, mommy will be okay." She walked over to Matt. He had her go into the main house with everybody else.

"I want all of the women and children to stay in the main house as all of the men come out here to deal with me. " "Okay, let me get my brothers." Gabe, Bam, Bear, Noah, and Blaine came outside. "Okay, we did what you told us to do, now let my wife go." "I have more things for you guys to do. Follow me." I felt the butt of the gun on the back of my head. "Walk" I started walking to Gabe and Grace's cabin. He brings all the boys in before me. Matt looked me as he was worried for my safety. He made me tie all of the boys wrists together with rope. He then tied my wrist together. He dragged me to the bed. I thought he might rape me but he didn't. He just liked the appeal of me being submissive to him. It looked as if he was aroused because his breathing became ragged. I leaned a certain way to look over at Matt. He looked as if he was about to cry. The way this man was looking at me was making him sick. I noticed his eyes were closed, I kicked him in the groin and he fell to the ground, holding himself as I grabbed his gun. I aimed it at his head. Bam had untied his hands and took the gun from me to help the other boys.

I untied Gabe and Bear next, leaving Matt for last so he wouldn't kill the man that had frightened me. He took me in his arms as I finally was able to cry. I let the boys take care of him as I ran back to the main cabin to hold my daughter.

Matt POV

I looked over at the bastard that had touched my wife. He held her at gunpoint and tied her up. I wanted to kill him. "You Son of a Bitch, you shouldn't have ever touched my wife, you messed with the wrong family." Bam stepped in "Let me take care of him." I walked back to the main cabin with Bear. Thankful that this was only a close encounter.

Love (Alaskan Bush People Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora