My Passion

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Lacy looked very hot in those jeans. When we get back to her place I'm going to pull her onto the closest flat surface and just take her. I saw she was holding hands with another man. That made me want to teach her a lesson. Fear was all over her face as I approached. I grabbed her elbow and slapped her across the face. The man beside looked like he was weak for having to walk with a cane. I pushed Lacy behind as she fell to the dock. She yelled "Noah!" He stepped forward to confront me as I grabbed his throat. Then I fell a butt of a gun on my temple and looked up to see a girl with black hair and glasses. "Let go of my brother." "Why would I listen to a little girl?"

Lacy POV

My elbow was throbbing where he had grabbed me. He was hurting Noah. I had to think of a plan to save him. I kicked his knees out from under him and he fell to the ground. Leo looked over at me as he got up and pulled out his gun. He pointed it at me. "Get Up." He said to me waving the gun. There was a sudden movement in the water as he pulled the trigger backfired on himself. I screamed as Noah crawled to me. He brought me to his chest as I started crying. I was brought onto the boat. Noah held me as he rocked me back in forth. The body was taken away as I sat with Noah. I had just remembered he had asked me to marry him. I lifted my head to look at him "I never did answer your question." "You didn't answer me." "Well, the answer is yes of course!" Then he kissed me. My very first kiss. After the police had finally left, we told the rest of the family. Ami had brought up that she would finally have grandbabies. The family laughed as we took off for Browntown. Noah had promised me a cabin with running water and electricity. He promises me a life of happiness.

Six Months Later

It was finally our wedding day. We decided to have the ceremony at the theatre where we fell in love. I had sold my house to another girl that had caught Matt's eye. The entire family was there with many people from the town that had been a part of my plays. After the ceremony, we walked out of the theatre to the ferry to take us to Juneau. "I can't believe were married!" "I love you Mrs. Brown." "I love you too Mr. Brown."

Noah POV

I was married to the woman of my dreams. We made our way to the hotel as we got off the ferry. It was getting dark as we decided to find something to eat. I started thinking about our cabin in the woods as it would be finished when we return home in two days. We find a fried chicken place down the street. We bring the food up to room and that night we both lost our virginities to each other. She cried but told me to continue.

Lacy POV

We had made it home after a few days away for our honeymoon. We stepped onto the beach as he grabbed me by my waist to give me a kiss. We walked up the rest of the way to the rest of the family. We all greeted each other with open arms. They let us have some alone time in our new home. I had never seen the cabin before. We made it to the porch when we couldn't keep our hands off each other any longer. I think I found a new passion.

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