Three Generations

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Grace POV

The family was getting ready to do a hauling job with everyone. The last time the family had done one together was when there was only nine members. I'm preparing a medical bag just to be safe. I didn't want any of my family to get hurt and I didn't bring any supplies. I started feeling these pains going through my back. I didn't think anything of it. People have pains all the time. My beautiful husband walks through the door. He walks over to me as he wraps his arms around my waist. I smile feeling his body heat. I was starting to chill. "The family is almost ready to go." "I'm almost finished here. I just need to grab some gauze from the top shelf that I can't reach." He just reaches around me to grab three rolls of gauze. "Thank You" "Your welcome" Then he kissed me as he pushed me up to the cabinet. Every time he kissed me, he would take my breathe away. We were wrapped up in each other and we didn't hear the door open. "I know you guys are trying to become parents but we really need to get going to keep with the tide." We turn to look at Bam. I hide my face in Gabe's neck. Gabe just waved him away as I was trying not to be embarrassed.

There were not enough bunks for the kids just yet as they had to sleep with their parents. Lacy and Noah would be very cramped up because she was expecting and Stefan was getting bigger every day. We all went to Hoonah to gather all of the items that need to be delivered. I was helping the other girls with their kids. I was playing with Isabella and Stefan. We decided to play cowboys and Indians. I played the Indians. They tracked me as I tried to hide all around the boat. I still couldn't believe both of these kids were almost two. It seems like yesterday I delivered them. Ana was still under a year. I was finally happy. I was interrupted from my thought as I felt nausea wash over me. I put my head over the boat. I decided to go lay down.

Gabe POV

I saw the rest of the wives sitting at the table in the boat. "Where's Grace?" "She started feeling bad, she laying down." I jump down to the lower level, she has sweat on her face. She burning up. I take the thermometer from the medical bag and it says her fever is 103. We are about to cross Icy Strait. She spoke to me in a soft voice. "It's the stomach bug. It will past in a few days." She reached for a blanket as she started to shiver. "Do you want me to stay down here with you?" She just shook her head no. "I'll be up top if you need me." I kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes.

Rainy POV

I was playing with all three of the kids. I had turned my focus to Ana as I hear a scream. Isabella turned to me saying she was sorry. "What are you sorry about?" "I pushed Stefan overboard." I run to tell dad to stop the boat as one of the kids fell over. "It's Stefan." Bear went up top to watch for his head. Lacy was becoming a mess as Noah was getting his life vest on. Bam and Matt were getting the skiff ready. 

Noah POV

"Bear did you find him?" "Yes, we are heading towards him now." I step down into the skiff with Bear. We are going as fast as we could. He could only be in there for a few minutes before hypothermia sets in. We reach as I pick him up and put a blanket around him. I lift him up to Matt as Lacy takes our son in her arms. Both of them were crying. I stepped back up onto the boat as I hugged my little family. We take him inside to get him warmed up. We wrap him in many different blankets. He was finally warming up. The whole family was gathered around. "What happened little man?" "Isabella and I were playing when she accidently pushed me in." I turn to Matt. "I'll go talk to her."

Matt POV

I walk up to my favorite girls. "Isabella were you and Stefan playing earlier? Did something happen?" Amelia stares at me trying to figure out the angle she was going to go. "Yes, I got mad and pushed him. Then he fell overboard." "You have to be careful when playing because Stefan is still a baby. Okay?" I scoop her up into a hug. Her little arms go around my neck as I lift her up and then bring my wife into the hug. My favorite moments are with my girls.

Noah POV

It was starting to get darker as we docked at the nearest town. Lacy crawled the best she could because of her small belly. I lifted Stefan up into the bunk as I climbed in after to be with my family. She was facing me as he curled into me. I looked at my family to see they were going to sleep knowing they were safe with me.

Gabe POV

Grace was feeling a little better as the family went to bed. I climbed in behind as I fell asleep with her in my arms.

Matt POV

I slid to the back of the bunk as Amelia handed me Isabella. Isabella slept between us. She had fallen asleep after dinner from having an eventful day. Amelia pulled the cover back on all three of us as I leaned over to kiss her goodnight. I tried not to crush my little girl.


Eleanor and I climbed into our bunk after dinner. It was the first time sharing the same bed. She was scared. I told her I would sleep on the floor but she didn't want me to be uncomfortable. I climb in first as she crawled slowly in. I pull the covers over both of us. I grabbed her hand so she knew I was there.

Bear POV

My precious little girl was growing up so fast. I rocked her as sleep as I did every night. She finally fell asleep when I set her inside our bunk. I watch all of my other siblings have wives and husbands. I wished that Anastasia was still here with me. I see her everyday in my daughter. The way she walks, smiles, and thinks. I wished I had her in my arms every night. I watched my baby sleep as I close my eyes too.

Snowbird POV

I let Blaine sleep in my bunk as Rainy and I shared her bunk. I didn't feel comfortable sharing a bed with him yet. I could hear him snoring. It's good to know your future husband snores and now I can prepare myself.


I lay next to Billy feeling like we had raised our sons to be good husbands. I finally had my grandbabies. Two girls, a boy and with one on the way. I finally feel we are expanded Browntown for many more generations to come.

The boat swayed back and forth as the family slept. They didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. They all knew that they were a family and would do anything for the people sleeping around them with all three generations in one room.

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