Chapter Thirty One: The Calm Before The Storm

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There was so much going on. So much that no one but the four going through such things understood. There was glee and happiness in the air. The smell of it filled everyone's noses. It was like a thick sweet fog that coated them. Their minds were held by the pending threat of Corypheus and the Archdemon but any worry was soothed by the beautiful caresses of their counterparts. Those that had not aquired the love that Cassandra and Cullen or Maeve and Solas had found were simply intoxicated by its aura of wonder. It was an incredible few days of peace but it wouldn't last. Everyone knew that and the very thought made it happen that much quicker. What is it they call it? The calm before the storm? The storm was coming.

A time came when Maeve knew that the wedding was going to be canceled rather than just pushed back. It wasn't an option at the moment. To have a celebration with their friends and be made as one in the eyes of the creators was something they could not afford at this time. It brought sorrow to them both but they were just glad to have each other for the time. Maeve was in slight distress over the fact but Solas was always there to soothe her. She spent much of her time in the war room. They had to make a plan against Corypheus.

She coordinated everything through Leliana since Cullen was severely distracted. She'd meant to approach him about it. Though his affiliation with Cassandra was heart warming, it was a distraction for him. He was doing a good job of performing his duties and Maeve was grateful but he was still one of her advisors and he'd fallen short in advising her lately. Maeve was happy for them. She wished they'd find all the happiness she and Solas had, though Cassandra was very different from her and her romantic visions were undoubtedly unlike her own.

As much as she hoped for this for them, Lavellan required Cullen's help. She couldn't disrupt them though. Their relationship was much too young. Coming up with such complaints could cause problems with them. Nonetheless, they'd been extremely entwined for the recent days. About a month had passed since she found out about the two of them and they hadn't been too preoccupied. Now they seemed different.

When he thought no one was looking he would touch her, reach for her hand, rest his on the small of her back, brush up against her and often when they parted he'd find away to get her partially alone. He'd hugged her different since the other day. Something about how he looked at her, about how gentle and loving his caresses and embraces were was new. He'd been overly happy before and forceful in getting her alone but now he looked at her and guided her away with the most sensitive and adoring hands. They were practically glowing. There was something different. Something had happened and Maeve couldn't put her finger on it.

They'd yet to be intimate when they knew others were looking. They escaped prying eyes easily but Maeve knew and therefore saw more than most. She knew to look for it. They were careful and Lavellan was impressed. She should've given them their due credit for being sneaky. Leliana seemed completely unaware which was something the Inquisitor thought impossible. She'd found she and Solas out before they even had time to process what they were. Then again she and Solas had been so enthralled with one another that they didn't bother trying to hide their feelings and were caught half in the act by the spymaster.

Cassandra had openly avoided her. She was nervous. Everything going on was against the advice she had always given Lavellan. She had always thought any emotional attachment to anyone was futile, especially in a time of catastrophe and loss. How could you expect to hold on to anything dear if the world were going to end in fire and destruction? How could one let oneself love and care and cherish another knowing that that love, that desire to be loved in return, would be squashed when a powerful, self proclaimed god obliterated everything?

After believing in this way of living for so long and pressing it upon others only to cast it away, making it void of importance, and take up a lover, gaining said person's love in return made Cassandra feel guilty and severely like a hypocrite. No, she couldn't tell Lavellan. Wouldn't. Cullen had warned her that Lavellan was suspicious. He hadn't come out and told her that the Inquisitor knew for sure, though she did. Cullen didn't feel it was important to burden her with that truth. There was so much between them that the others wouldn't understand. How had they realized their feelings? How had they fallen in love so fast? What were their plans? How intimate had they been? Where did they see it going? These were all uncomfortable questions that they would face if everyone knew. They were not prepared to face such inquiries. Especially with the impending issue.

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