Chapter Twenty Five: Engagement

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Solas and Maeve returned to Skyhold late that day. Everyone gathered to greet them. Varric was surprised to see how happy Solas looked. He'd never seen that big of a grin on the elf's face. He wouldn't ask now though, it'd ruin their spectacular arrival. Around them, Cole, Vivienne, Dorian, and Sera were asking about their trip. Bull stood in the background, clearly just there to be supportive. It was evident that things still hadn't smoothed over with Dorian yet.

Varric noted that Cullen and Cassandra were no where to be seen. He gave this a questioning moment of thought. Could the two of them be together right now? Varric quickly dismissed the occurrence. Cassandra would never let a man come between her loyalty to the Inquisition and its leader.

Maeve noticed their absence as well. There was much she had to speak to Cassandra about. Their trip had been eventful and there were things that needed sorting out. Solas looked over at her as the others tried to help them with their things. His face was slightly reddened with embarrassment. He smiled and tore his eyes away hesitantly.

Solas didn't know if she was ready for everyone to know, though it would not be long before they did. They already suspected, Gods, they probably already knew. As they all walked up into the compound with Solas and Maeve, they held small conversations about things that had happened while they were gone.

Sera had finally found her cookies. The cook had hidden them in the rotunda, a place Solas was usually in and that they knew Sera would never go to. She'd found them by accident one day when snooping through his things. He probably would have been mad had he not been so entranced. As they strode up the steps his eyes met Lavellan's face and she beamed with happiness at him. They walked side by side, their shoulders bumping, their hands brushing with every step.

Varric seemed to be the only one to notice their proximity. He thought it strange that they would be so open around each other and yet still act like they hadn't shown their affection around others. Elves. Varric thought sharply. Solas put their bags in the rotunda and the five of them sat down at a long wooden table in the hall, near Varric's usual post.

Dorian had slipped away from the rest of the group as they went inside. Maeve could just barely make out his figure next to Bull outside the building. They seemed to be arguing. Maeve worried for them. Bull and Dorian were as close to perfect as an unconditional couple could get. They had a unique bond. While the Inquisitor wasn't positive about exactly what it was Dorian had done, she was hopeful they'd work it out.

Solas pulled her attention back to the table, tugging on her sleeve inconspicuously as Varric had been talking to her. "How was the trip, Inquisitor?" He asked with a grin. His hands were folded together on the table and he leaned into it intently. He was up to something, Solas could tell. "It was fine. A bit strenuous, as I am still healing but I needed to get back on my feet and there were things that needed taking care of in Emprise de Lion." She told him. She looked over at Solas. His cheeks and ears were tainted with red blush at the thoughts of their days together.

She couldn't help but smile at his discomfort. Despite it a thin lipped smile still adorned his face pleasantly. So much had happened while they were away. There was to be a celebration tomorrow and the entire hall was bustling with people, planners, servents, and Noblemen. It'd been decorated and was being cleaned hourly. So many people had moved into the hold as the Inquisition gathered more support. Their forces were growing and the celebration was to congratulate the leaders on their achievement.

They had been hesitant at first to throw such a party seeing as how they should be focused on defeating Corypheus but Josephine insisted. She'd said if they didn't keep appearances up in the Inquisition, they'd find themselves without supporters, which was something they could not afford. "What were you two doing out there anyway?" Varric questioned as he sat back in his chair relaxing a little.

May The Dread Wolf Take YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora