Chapter Twenty Six: Change

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"You what?" Cassandra was shocked by Lavellan's words. She could barely comprehend what it was she was hearing. When the Inquisitor called her there to discuss an important matter, she'd thought it would've been about the celebration or the many nobles vying for her hand. She never thought it'd be something this drastic and so soon. "Forgive me, Inquisitor. I am startled. I knew of your relationship but I had no idea it was this serious." Cassandra said trying to catch up with everything that was going on.

"Yes, well, with the world ending and the war coming to a head, life seems grim and short. Solas and I want to make the most of it." She reported with a smile. "I am telling you, Cassandra, not only because I trust you but because we are planning a very small ceremony and I would like you to be there." Maeve added as Cassandra's face contorted even more. She was being overwhelmed with information that she wasn't sure what to do with.

"I am flattered, Lavellan, but does Solas agree with this?" She questioned curiously. She never thought Solas really took a liking to anyone except Maeve. It surprised her to know he allowed this. " Yes. I would not be here if he didn't." Maeve replied reassuringly. "The wedding will not be for another month but we thought it best to tell you in advance before all the others." Lavellan announced proudly. Cassandra couldn't help notice the aura of intense happiness surrounding the Inquisitor. She wondered if this was a result of her trip with Solas.

A lot had happened since the Inquisitor left with Solas. The Inquisition remained mostly the same, only making minor adjustments to Skyhold for the celebration. But the people of Skyhold, the members of the Inquisitor's crew, many of them found themselves in the unfavorable, but sometimes pleasant, tangles of relationships. Dorian was his usual self being only slightly more vain and self gloating now that Bull wasn't near to mellow him. Bull was quiet and angry of late. Rage seemed to flow from him and envelope others. Cassandra often found Krem telling him to go seethe somewhere else so the Chargers could have fun at the bar. This did not put him in a better mood.

Blackwall had been sending Josephine flowers since Cassandra's encounter with him. It seemed he was looking for that element in his life. Josephine was thrilled. As much as she was dedicated to her work, she needed a distraction. Blackwall seemed to be that for her. Though she made him happy, Blackwall liked to complain and with his troubled past he didn't see how he deserved a woman like Josephine.

Sera was being secretive about something but Cassandra had been too distracted to figure out exactly what it was. Cassandra and Cullen had taken their affair so quickly and without heed. They couldn't stop it. All the days the Inquisitor was gone they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Everything they did, the other was on their mind. She'd spent the entire day naked in his bed but she still couldn't get enough of him. She was afraid he'd slip through her fingers like nearly everything else in her life. She'd given up so much to be the person that she is and she loved the way Cullen was slowly making it far more worth while.

"We should talk about you, Cassandra." Maeve said suddenly, pulling Cassandra out of her trance. "Me?" She echoed surprisingly. She wasn't used to talking about herself. The only time she'd ever really let herself speak freely was around her lover. "Yes. I have heard much since my return and I've only just gotten back." Lavellan elaborated. Cassandra was silent. She knew where this conversation was going and she didn't quite like it. It was too soon. "I've spoken with both Varric and Dorian. There are substantial rumors looming about you." She continued as Cassandra rose from her seat and scoffed. "What do the dwarf and the mage know? I have not said anything to anyone about such things. They are just that, rumors." Cassandra objected pridefully.

Maeve stifled a laugh at Cassandra's denial. But she couldn't hide the growing smile on her face as Cassandra nervously paced in front of her. "Out of pure curiosity, what do they say?" Cassandra asked turning her head toward the Inquisitor. Maeve slumped in her seat satisfied by Cassandra's curiosity. "Dorian says you and your lover are merely physically impassioned, while Varric believes that he is giving chase into your bed chambers." Lavellan revealed, somewhat expecting an outraged response.

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