You think you know me.

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Well you don't, you know nothing about me. You don't know the pain I've gone thorough. My best friend started cutting and I was there when she told her Mum, I stood there while she and her Mum sobbed.

But that's not the worst of it, I sit in my grandparents house and try amd communicate, but I don't know them.

I never have so when my Dad decides that its a good idea to drop Christmas presents of at their house. It's extremely awkward still not as awkard as when my half brother walks in, I cry inside because I haven't seen him since when I was six years old, and he's my doppelganger, a living breathing double of myself, same grey blue eyes same cheek structures same button nose the only difference is his hair is natural blonde and mines dyed blonde. Blonde bombshell.

I walk around my school everyday with a smile on my face, that smile hides my pain my struggle and my sadness. Everybody sees me as the strong girl who is stupid but reliable. Well I'm not strong I'm secretly dying in my insides. You don't know how hard it is to walk around school and feel everbodys heartbeats sync into one huge heartbeat. I can tell when somone is sick, pregnant and I can also feels everyones pain, so my pain plus their pain is excruciating, but I find a way to release some of that pain with dance.

Before my mums mother died, and in my grandmothers prime she was a ballet dancer and she taught me how to dance she taught me how to count to a hundred. My grandmother also taught me to draw, she was a beautiful woman, I loved her dearly. she was my life and I was hers. But she's dead now. I kept dancing after she died to express my gulit, I draw to express my hate. You don't know why I feel guilty, well it's because I never said goodbye to my mums mother when she died, I was too scared to go to her funeral I regret that greatly.

I also feel guilt because I made my self sick and ended up in hospital whilst I was close to my death my mum blamed my illness on herself. But I got better, but no thanks to my immune system because that's gone. The day I left the hospital was the day my miserable life changed drastically.

My age doesn't matter at this moment.

But what matters is my surroundings, the people I care about, I don't want to hurt them, because if I do hurt the people I love then my humanity is gone. And I'm screwed.

I act normal, I look normal to others but whem nobody's around I know what I am.

I have a secret that I can't share with anyone. I'm a monster. And I can't live with myself, by now you may know what I am but just in case you don't well here it is my secret reveled. I'm a vampire. And my name is Emily West, an this is my tragic story of being immortal.


That is my first chapter its very short but my next chapter will be longer.

Say what you think about this. I would like to know if you hate it or love it.


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