SamanthaJR - Watty Awards 2011

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·      What is your user name?


·      Whatâs the story behind your username?

Well, it's just my name. I came to Wattpad from another site, where I'm known as SJR but that was too short to be allowed here. I know it's not the most imaginative thing, but there's nothing that gives me more pleasure than to see my own name attributed to something I have written. Makes me feel, almost, like I might actually stand a chance at getting published one day.

·      How old are you?

19, nearly 20.

·      How long have you been on Wattpad?

A few months, I only restarted writing at the end of summer and only then joined alongside Fictionpress when their hits tally crashed. I haven't been here long, but I'm here to stay.

·      What story have you entered into the in the Wattyâs Awards?

Victory's Price

·      What genre is it entered in?

Adventure, though it has a few integral fantasy elements (and, also, I doubt it will be finished in time now...)

·      Can you give a brief summery of your story?

Ah, hate these things. The tale is based on the return of an old legend and follows the reawakening of a bloodthirsty world. It has a lot of themes of regret and the protagonist - Phoenix - is anything, anything but what can be termed as a 'good' character. Teetering on the bridge of insanity (these things can happen when you've been alive for four hundred years) her return from self-impoed exile sets into motion many events that can be viewed as both good and terribly, terribly evil. Despite it's dark undertones there are also white characters and lighter moments of wit.

·      Who is your favourite character?

Ah, a difficult one that one. I think my favourite is Phoenix. She's no nonsense and dangerous and though she has a set of morals, they're not the ones you would most expect. She's got the power to make or break kingdoms and instead she choses to systematically battle the world. From bar fights to the battlefield, if you face her, you die.

·      What is your favourite part of your story?

When the king dies, his death knell is played across the whole city. All the living, bar the new king and the old king's killer, must stay inside whilst the dead dance in celebration. It's a haunting scene and it still makes me smile to re read it.

·      What advise would you give other Wattpad authors?

Same as I give anyone really: read, write, and enjoy yourself. But, more tangibly? Make sure you keep to the same tense the whole way through and take the time to really make your characters come alive. The more you love them, the more I will.

·      Is their anything you would like to say to your readers?

I love you.

Watty Awards Round one interviews (2011)Where stories live. Discover now