A New Passion

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Lacy had spent most of her life in the lower 48. She was born and raised in Arkansas by her mother and grandparents. Her father had left after her little sister was born. Her family fought all the time about business. She didn't want anything to do with the business world. Theatre was her escape. Every chance that she got, she was in a play or musical.

After graduating from college with her degree, she was offered a job in New York. She landed in New York on a cold January afternoon but she had another idea. The idea stayed with her throughout the taxi ride to her hotel. She checked in and went to her room to do research. She wanted a completely different life. New York wasn't her answer. Alaska was the answer. Move to a small town and create her own local theatre company. She found a map of Alaska on her computer. Using the printer in the hotel business center, she closed her eyes and dragged her finger across the map. She counted backwards from 21, her age and lucky number, and her finger had landed on Hoonah, Alaska.

Lacy bought the next flight out of New York to Anchorage. She called her family the next day to tell them the news. Her grandparents were scared for her safety and said once she had settled, they would send her some money to get started on the theatre. Her mother said she was proud of Lacy for making her own decisions and told her good luck. She promised her mother she would tried to be back for Christmas.

She took a smaller plane to Juneau and then a ferry to Hoonah. She arrived late afternoon with a snow storm approaching.

As she stepped off the ferry and stopped at the local café for a cup of coffee. An older lady told her to take a seat wherever. She picked a booth looking out at the scenery. She checked her phone to see if her family had changed her service to work all over the U.S. not just the lower 48. Her family said they would still pay her phone bill and health insurance bill until she was settled. It said 6:30 p.m. thinking it might be getting close to the dinner rush but the storm was coming.

She heard the thunder and counted back the echo, thinking it may be a couple miles away. The older lady came and took her order. Lacy said "Yes, I'll just have a cup of coffee with 4 Splendas and 4 packages of creamer if you have it. And to go please." The lady nodded her head and left for the back. As Lacy was enjoying the scenery, a few rowdy boys came through the door. She smiled to be polite to them as she felt a connection to the boy with a long black coat. They connected eyes and she felt as if she could see his soul in those blue eyes. The lady brought back her coffee and Lacy asked if there was local hotel nearby. She directed Lacy down the street. As she walked down the street with the sun setting in the back ground all she can think about was the blue eyed boy. Guys had never liked Lacy when she lived at home. She was curvy and guys didn't like that. She also wanted to save herself for marriage.

She had blue eyes liked her mother and pale skin. People always told her she had pretty face but needed to lose weight if she ever wanted a boyfriend. She didn't want to changed her appearance for a guy. She believed she was beautiful just the way she was. She reached the local motel. She was their only guest and she requested a room where she could look out and see a beautiful scene. She paid for the next five days since it was so cheap. They gave her a room on the back side of the motel with a view of the ocean and mountains behind it. She couldn't believe God had made such a beautiful scene just outside her door. The room was somewhat small but it was big enough for her. The bed was beside the window with each side having a nightstand. With a dresser beside the bathroom door. The TV was on top of the dresser. The bathroom had a sink, toilet, and walk-in shower. She took her shower and then laid on the bed. She fell asleep as her head hit the pillow.

The next few weeks past as she wanted to see that boy again. As she saw a few of the boys at least once a week but never the blue eyed boy. She had taken up a job at the local clinic as a secretary. She had finally closed on a house on the outskirts of town and a pickup truck that looked like Bella's truck from the Twilight movies. She had found an abandoned theatre that was used back in the eighties. She needed to find some men that could help her remodel the theatre. She had asked the local doctor if he knew anybody for the job. He said "The Brown boys are great with a hammer and nails. They had made repairs around the house for my wife and I about a year ago. The repairs are still standing today. They usually come into town every Thursday unless they have a hauling job." Lacy said "Thank You. Is there anything you need me to do before I leave for the day?" "No, I think everything is in order, have a great night." "You too sir and tell your wife I said hello." "Will do."

The next Thursday, she wanted to find them by the end of the day to ask them about the job. She pulled up to the clinic as one of the boys was coming out with a cast over his wrist and another helping him. The one with the cast had curly hair in a ponytail and the other had long curly hair with glass and a beard. She stepped out of her truck and walked over to them "Excuse me, are ya'll a few of the Brown boys?" The one with glasses said "Who is asking?" "I'm Lacy, I just moved here two months ago and I'm remodeling the old run down theatre. I wanted to know if your family might be interested in helping me." "What needs to be done?" asked the boy with a cast. "All of the lights, the floors throughout, all of the stage, an orchestra pit needs to made, electrical, plumbing, the roof.... Almost everything." Both boys laugh and said they needed to talk with the rest of the family. "That fine, and what are both of your names?" "I'm Bam and this is my brother Gabe." Said the brother with glasses. "Well, goodbye and I hope your arm gets better soon." Said Lacy. The one named Gabe said "Thanks" as both boys waved as they walked to the dock.

A week had passed as Lacy had quit her job at the clinic to focus all of her time on the theatre. She had order all of her materials and they would be here in a week. She had talked to her grandparents that were paying for the project, they had all of the materials shipped to Juneau and Paul with the local hauling business would bring it to Hoonah. As Lacy showed up to meet Paul, she was met by Bam and Gabe with their family.

Lacy saw the blue eyed boy. He had long, straight hair in a ponytail with a black shirt and vest. He had a long trench coat and boots covered with mud. He wasn't as muscular as the rest of the boys. He also walked with a cane that made Lacy feel sorry for him. As the family approached, she shook Bam's hand again. He introduced the rest of his family, his parents, Billy and Ami. His sisters Snowbird and Rainy. Then she thought he said Bear, Matt, and Noah. Noah was his name. Lacy really like that name. Noah tipped his hat to her. Her heart skipped a beat. She had always wanted a man that tipped his hat.

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