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It was dark. Obviously midnight and the white balls off gas glowed above. The moon gleamed down, only at a waxing crescent, giving a soft glow on the abandoned town. It seemed abandoned, only sounds from small insects meeting their doom from the illuminated street lamps. Puddles of water reflected the lights, droplets still falling from trees, polls, newspaper bins, and car mirrors.

Winter always brought out the most stars, having them dance and wink from above into a black void we call space. For all we know, those sparkles in the night sky could be galaxies. Planets. Places where creatures such as humans exist.

Places where towns like this don't hide from monsters that prowl the streets, looking for fresh blood. Looking for someone to mark and control. Masters and mistresses who look for another human companion. Someone who they can show off like a prized possession and call when they want them.

Now, such monsters such as Bigfoot do not exist. However, the monsters old tales tell, do exist. Supernatural, paranormal, whatever you choose to call it. They prowl this town, seeing how it's New England, making everyone retreat into their homes around sunset in fear of running into one of these creatures on any Jersey night.

Gerard Arthur Way was one of these creatures who prowled the night, forcing civilians into their homes as the creatures searched for a meal who was stupid enough to travel in these conditions.

Course, modern historians pass off mythology from the past as stories, but Gerard Way can tell you different. Now, some of the creatures aren't real but the Greeks were the closest to these monsters. Gods and Goddesses but Gerard only knows through his learning. He may be around one hundred now but his father was well educated. His fathers master taught him everything his masters father taught and down the line.

Course, descendants of Erebus are the luckiest from their power of hiding in the shadows but vampires were much the same. This town though was overrun with creatures of another life form and twenty year old Frank Iero knew that. But eighteen year old Frank Anthony Iero didn't give a single shit about the creatures that lurked in the night because why should he when he had no real purpose? He wanted to make it big but the underlying truth held him to why he stayed always bit at the back of his mind.

If his mother was able to break from her paranoia of these monsters, he would have left the second he turned eighteen. Only a heartless bastard would leave his poor mother though to die in a town like this. She had no one to protect her.

After his father died, it was Frank's job and he wasn't going to throw that away.

New Jersey was far from safe but this town was worse. This town was like a plague and Frank Iero knew this.

Frank also knew he was being watched.

Obviously short, it's more of an overview than prologue on back ground information. Like my other story, it's probably in first person but switching POVs every other chapter. Odd numbers are Frank even are Gerard but of course, putting their names. I'll work on the first chapter and update the other in a bit.

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