(9) Cigarettes, Roses, and Silky Sheets

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First smut chapter of the book
LIT ((not as intense at first as other books and what not))

For once, Frank woke up refreshed, the aftertaste of the vanilla flavored potion that smelt of roses still on his lips.

His body wasn't fighting to stay in the nest of sheets, in fact, he was ready to go. Frank didn't waste time getting out of bed and pulling on a long sleeved shirt before a black hoodie on that read The Misfits on it.

Frank was actually already downstairs once Mikey came down, still seeming exhausted still, but surprised Frank made it down before him. He poured himself a to go cup before grabbing his keys and bag.

"You're up early... ready to go?" Mikey asked, regarding his friend with a strange look.

"Yeah. Let's go!" Frank said, buzzing with energy. Mikey didn't know how to take the fact Frank was actually excited to go to school, eyebrows furrowing, but he didn't question the lather. They both simply got into the car to endure the drive to school. Frank was practically buzzing in his seat, fingers pulling loose strands of thread from his hoodie. His emotions seemed to be completely out of the mold of his hands, unconfined and displayed for everyone to see.

"Hey, Frankie? My boss-"

"I was going to watch a movie by myself anyways. You don't gotta lie, MilkyWay. Go have fun with your girlfriend." Frank said warmly. "Stop bullshitting me with these stupid "my boss is having a slumber party" tricks." He mused.

The attitude he currently wore on his sleeve unusual and foreign to not only Mikey, but everyone around him as he stepped into school. He didn't look like the brooding kid with his hands in his pockets, fighting to stay awake because for once with his help of his new witchy friend, he got a real nights sleep without the creeping vines that entangled his mind at night when his anchor wasn't there to seemingly take them away.

It had been two day's and three nights since Gerard left, leaving Frank also in a small worry, but because of the overpowering feeling of energy, the thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind.

Almost as soon as Mikey parked his car, Frank was already out, yelling something about seeing him at second period. Mikey stared after his best friend, nibbling his lip before turning the engine off.

Frank was down the hall, the kids who would taunt him attempting to make a comment but fumbling as he past from the overwhelming hyperactivity seemed to ooze off him. When Frank found Jamia, he grinned brightly while Jamia face palmed herself.

"I knew I put too much of that damned mixture from moms study." She mumbled to herself before looking at Frank. He was nearly bouncing off the walls, hardly staying still and the aura of the mix of whatever was in her mothers potion in her office that was labeled energetic was stronger than she thought. "I'll remember next month not to put so much..." she muttered, mentally making a reminder to write it down later.

"I got an amazing sleep last night. I've never been this ecstatic before- so vibrant or whatever sappy word to use for this feeling." Frank said, bouncing on his heals.

"The high will wear off towards the end of the school day, I put too much this one thing in my mother's study and obviously it did not work well in large doses..." Jamia told Frank, repeating her thoughts, but aloud and actually to someone. Frank didn't acknowledge the words, seeming rather more.... excited and enthusiastic instead of his more than usual- actually, a complete one eighty from his usual "I hate life" look seeming to be gone... At least for a few hours. Jamia knew though that Frank would fall from the high quickly, but she didn't want to tell him that due to the fact the dose was so strong was why he was like this.

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