(5) Little Ghost Boy

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A long night spent with your most obvious weakness, you start shaking at the thought... you're everything I want 'cause you're everything I'm not - Makedamnsure by Taking Back Sunday


Gerard Way was... different. Maybe this is why Frank never knew there was a brother to Mikey and if Frank wasn't some decent or whatever of this bullshit palm reading shit, he wouldn't have even known.

Frank twitched in his sleep, brow furrowed as a light sheen of sweat covered him from the heat that his body was contracting. A dull, knocking headache was consistently thumping at the back of his head before he finally woke to sunlight streaming into the room. It took a minute or so to adjust to his surroundings before realizing himself in the guest room of the Way household.

His body felt weak and fragile, like if at one little push it'll crumble into pieces onto the white rug which then he would have to be vacuumed up.

Frank typically had thoughts like this in the morning anyways.

He hulled himself out of bed, aches pulling at his body, almost begging for him to lay back down as he picked up the note that was scribbled on paper that had resided on the night stand.

I decided not to wake you when I went to work and moms working as well. You know the number and I should be back about six. You were burning up, I'll bring back soup.


Frank sighed and ran a hand through his sticky, damp sweaty hair before lugging himself up and stumbling to the door. Frank could remember last night with the boy- no, his name was Gerard. When Gerard came and took care of him, even putting him in bed. So, Frank clamored down the stairs, using the bannister for support before reaching the bottom and leaning against the wall until met with the door.

The basement door.

The one place he wasn't allowed at all...

Frank took a deep breath and let his fingers curl around the knob before pulling it open, blackness only laying down the stairs... until he could see the faint flicker of a light... like a candle. Frank didn't realize he was holding his breath as he quietly closed the door and tried not to make much noise coming down the steps. At the bottom, a room was spread out, making it seem like a normal teenagers room. There were band posters and sketch books scattered around, piles of clothes thrown hazardously while a little fridge sat in the corner in the room.

But the occupant of the room was far from normal, in fact not being truly a human but a vampire.

A real live vampire lived in Frank's best friends basement... isn't that great?

Even the contents of what's in the mini fridge confirmed it because let's be honest, we really all know it's blood in there.

"So you stopped for a visit, Frankie? It's nice to see you again but you shouldn't have come down here... you're sick." A voice drawled out from the right before gentle and slender fingers wrapped around Frank's wrist  and turning him towards the speaker. Gerard looked down at the shorter boy with concern as he looked half dead as it is, and Gerard would know. A small, twisted smile curled on his as he thought of a little thing he could tease with.

"That means you're weak... perfect for a snack..." he chuckled, dark amusement buried in his eyes. Frank's own hazel pools widened notably before he tried to take a step back, almost crumpling to the floor with the amount of energy it took for him to stand. "Honey, I was only teasing, little ghost boy. Can I call you that? I know you can hear 'em." The dark haired man said before stepping closer, holding the younger up by slipping an arm around his waist. Frank didn't feel aggression or a dangerous aura around this particular vampire. It threw him off completely, but he felt safer around him.

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