Just a few ideas...

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I just wanted to say thanks for reading so far and for being so involved with all your comments and votes. It means so much to me as cheesy as it sounds.

There's only about two more chapters plus an epilogue left but I have three other books published which you may read if you wish and I also have three that I'm working on and will be publishing soon so don't delete this story yet because there will be updates on when they're out.

Also, I don't know if you want it but I've always wanted to do a character ask so comment on this if you'd want that.

Another thing, I have no friends on Wattpad and talking with you guys in the comments makes me want one. Someone who I can fangirl with. So message me or leave comments on my profile or whatever works.

I also thought about doing a writer ask (?? Eh about the name) and you guys would get to know me better so comment if you want that, probably not I'm pretty boring 😂.

So let me know on all of those things!

Again, thanks for reading and I hope you continue 😊

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