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"Are you glad we came here?" Luke asked as we led in the hotel bed.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, your parents are really nice"

"I'm glad you think so"

"They've treated me better than my parents have you"

"What are your plans when we get home?"

"I don't know, finish college I guess"


"Not sure. Become an accountant or a teacher"

"I think you'd be a great teacher"


"You have the confidence"

"And you're going back to the dance studio?"

"Yeah, I'm excited about it"

"I'm glad"

"Do you regret anything?"

"I regret not meeting you earlier"

"Seriously, Luke"

"I regret smoking and doing drugs way to often. I regret shutting out my friends when I needed them. What about you?"

"I regret not seeing my family as much"

"Soon you'll have your own family"

"I'm 21 not 30"

"Still. You'll have kids and you'll be an amazing mother"


"What are your thoughts on us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like the future us"

"I don't know. I don't want to jinx anything"

"I see myself spending the rest of my life with you. I had a dream the other night and it was our wedding and I was so fucking happy. I woke up smiling and then I was just watching you sleep and imagining what'd be like to wake up beside you every morning and fall asleep next to you every night"

"I love you, Luke. Thank you for being your over confident self and talking to me that day, no matter how fucking annoying I thought you were"

"I love you too"

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