Chapter 21 : Lonely Road.

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Dayla walked into the hospital all smiles.

The boys always managed to make her day.

After doing seven hours of training RN's, she finally got a break.

She went into the breakroom and ate what Dustin brought her.

Her favorite .

Chicken Alfredo.

Well Patrick made it, but Dustin brought it up to her job.

"I think I'll go visit Sunny today, see what he's up to." She smiled.

"Honey I do-" One of the other Nurses started.

"I'm sorry, Im alreay late. He's probably worried sick. I haven't seen him in days." She walked out.

Dayla made her way to Sunny's floor and she was confused when she saw an empty room.

"Was Sunny moved to another room?" She asked her co worker.

"Sunny...?" The woman asked.

"Mr.Watson, stage 4 lung cancer, his wife died, Sweet as ever. Where is he ?" Dayla asked.

"Sweetheart, no one told you?" The woman questioned.

It clicked in her mind what was happening but she asked regardless.

"Told me what?" She questioned.

She knew what she was about to tell her.

She knew.

She just didn't want to hear it.

"Mr.Watson passed away last night." She said.

Her heart literally felt as if it had just broke in half.

"What do you mean passed away. I-I" She stuttered.

"He went in his sleep, he said he was ready. His last words we're tell my sweetheart I love her. Im sorry. " She told Dayla.

She could'nt stop crying, her body was shaking. It felt like her heart had literally just broken ... She fell to the ground and they had to sedate her. Dayla was escorted home. She was in no shape to work another second.

Hours had passed and Ysenia was just now coming home from work.

"Dayla Im back ! You will not believe the case I got today." Ysenia came into their apartment.

She threw her coat on the couch, took off her heels and her way to the bathroom.

"Guy kills his wife then his son kills him and he's claiming self defense. I swear I felt like Oliva Benson from law and or-" She stopped in her tracks when she saw her bestfriend lying on the ground.

"Dayla?" She ran over to her body .

"Dayla, baby girl wake up." Ysenia dropped to her knees and slapped her face.

She shook her and put two fingers to her neck.


"SOMEONE HELP ME !" She screamed.

Dustin and the boys we're in the studio and his phone rang.

"Yeah, that sounds dope. Hold on, Ysenia's calling me." He answered.

"Ysenia calm down, what's wrong?" He questioned.

"What do you mean she's not breathing? What happened?" He asked, grabbing his stuff.

"Where is she at now?" He asked.

The boys observed the phone call.

"Im on my way." He hung up.


A/N : OMG , I broke down writing this chapter. How are you guys feeling it ? What do you think is going on with Dayla ? Only 3 chapters left ! Feedback ?

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