4- Sufin

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This one is the timer one, YAY (HWTA DRUGS AM I ON?!?!?)



10 years, Tino's small wrist had 10 years written on it. But Tino wasn't worrying, as Tino is 8 and doesn't know much about soulmates. Tino worried about what colour crayons he had, and he worried about what food he was having for dinner. Tino had two friends, Lukas and Emil, two brothers. Lukas' wrist only had 4 years and Emil's had 2 weeks, but still, Tino wasn't bothered by his long wait.


Now Tino's wrist said 2 years, and he's 16. Emil met this guy named Leon and Lukas met Mathias. Tino still wasn't all that worried about his soulmate, he knew he would meet them so he was happy. "Aren't you concerned at all? I couldn't contain myself before I met Lukas," Mathias said while staring down at his wrist smiling. What he was staring at was Lukas' name printed in purple, ever since they met he couldn't stop staring at his wrist (when he wasn't staring at Lukas). "Not really, I'm happy enough knowing I'll meet them one day." "You're crazy Tino," Mathias said as Lukas walked into the room with 2 cups of coffee. "Aw! Thanks for the coffee Lukas," Lukas scowled at Tino and clutched the coffee close to his chest. "They're for me, the rest are still in the kitchen because I couldn't carry them." Tino frowned slightly but nodded. "I'll get my own," Tino stood and made himself a few cups of coffee to drink and grabbed Mathias a juice-box.


Tino's wrist now said 1 year, and he still wasn't worried. He was 17 and he was still his happy innocent self. Everyday he woke up with a large smile and he had his regular 3 cups of coffee for 9:00 am. Lukas and Mathias had gotten extremely serious with their relationship, so serious that they were going to move in together the second Lukas turned 18. Tino wondered what it was like to have someone that you cared about and they cared the same way.


Berwald on the other hand, couldn't stop worrying. He worried that he was too tall, too stoic and too emotionless. He was on edge the second his timer hit 1 month, that was 3 and a half weeks ago. He had 3 days left on his timer and he was constantly looking over his shoulder for his soulmate.

Berwald was going places he wouldn't normally go, like the mall, hoping to find his soulmate. He wanted to meet them really bad, but he was still really nervous. What if I scare them away? Was a thought that ran though his head a lot. The 3 days ticking down just made him more anxious and paranoid.


17 minutes 33 seconds

That's what Tino's wrist had, and all the pent up waiting and not worrying broke him and he was a shaking worry-filled mess. 18 year old Tino was at the park with Emil and Leon whom came fore moral support, and he was shaking so bad he thought that he would collapse before he met his soulmate.

What if they hate me?

What if I make a bad first impression?

What if-

Tino's eyes caught on a very tall blond man with glasses whom just walked into the park, and the second Tino saw him he knew. That was his soulmate, Tino's palms were clammy. "I- that's him, I'm going over." Leon nodded and Emil gave no indication that he was listening. Tino gathered his courage and walked carefully with purpose to the tall man that he was able to see over everyone else.

Tino was right behind him now, and he anxiously checked his wrist and his heart leapt out of his chest.

4 seconds

Tino tapped the blond on the shoulder and he turned around and Tino could barely breath. The blond had piercing blue eyes that were terrifying and enticing at the same time. His soulmate looked down at his wrist and spoke with a thick Swedish accent. "You're my soulmate," he said it quickly and Tino held up his frail wrist for his soulmate to see that his time had run out. "I'm Tino," he managed to squeak out and he watched as his name appeared upon his soulmate's wrist in purple. "Berwald," his soulmate said simply.

Tino's eyes watched as Berwald was formed in blue on his wrist. "I don't know why I was worried," Tino said quietly. Berwald gave a small grunt in agreement, and Tino quickly realised. That even if Berwald wasn't exactly what Tino had expected, Berwald was his and Tino was Berwald's.

That was pure shit in a nasty gas station bathroom.

Wc: 794

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