10- LietPol

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You see colour for the first time when you meet your soulmate.


Feliks twirled one of his strands of hair between his fingers lazily and stared at the clock hoping for it to click and the bell to go off. School was definitely something he loathed, except for lunch and his free periods. Feliks always used his free periods to just be by himself and have peace and quiet, for once.
    A smile graced his face when the bell rang and he waited for everyone to file out, but I was quickly diminished when he noticed Lufwa walking towards him. Lufwa was Feliks' girlfriend, and he hated it. Firstly; Feliks was 100% gay, secondly; Lufwa wasn't his soulmate. "Hallo Feliks, what do you have next?" "I have lunch next Lufwa."

   "Oh no, I have Biology next. Will you wait for me?" Feliks sighed, as much as he didn't want to he nodded. Lufwa smiled and skipped off to class. Feliks frowned and thought how much he wanted to break up with Lufwa, she was a manipulative, narcissistic bitch that he wanted nothing to do with. But, her parents were paranoid that Lufwa wouldn't meet her soulmate and Feliks was unluckily around when they were deciding who would be her boyfriend. Kissing her felt wrong and it always left a bad taste in his mouth, he wanted to break up with her so badly.
  Feliks rubbed his eyes and walked to lunch with a somber look on his face, his expression stoic as he sat down and opened his lunch. It was the usual thing he packed, a sandwich, a water, and a little chocolate. He plucked the chocolate up with his long slender fingers and looked at it with slight interest, his fingers went limp and the chocolate fell to the floor.

   Feliks sighed and turned around in his chair, but before he leaned down his eyes widened and his heart beat against his chest. He could see colour, not to mention the amazingly attractive boy in front of him. "Woah." The boy's head flicked up and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head, and the boy stood. "W-well hi," the boy started.

  "Hi," Feliks breathed. The boy was sitting next to him now, and Feliks could finally take in the boy's beauty up close. He had about the same length of hair that Feliks had, except it was brown and his eyes were amazing jewels of green. "I'm Toris," the boy said quietly.
   "Feliks," Feliks was so overwhelmed with Toris' attractiveness that he could barely speak. He'd never felt this way before and it was amazing, the butterflies in his stomach were fluttering out of control. "I have reasons to believe that we are soulmates," Toris said with a smile. "Me too."

  "But I'll have to break up with my girlfriend first," Toris' face had confusion on it for a split second but went back to cheerfulness again. "Okay, where are you from Feliks?" "Poland, and you?"
   "Lithuania," Toris smiled again and an idea struck Feliks' mind. "I'll call you Liet, if that's alright?" Toris nodded and smiled brighter. For the rest of lunch they stared into each other's eyes.

  "We can go together if you'd like, for moral support." Feliks smiled and nodded, he was scared of what Lufwa would say when he tried to break up with her. "Which one is she Feliks?" "She's the one with the crappy ombré and the 5 inch heels." Toris pursed his lips as he pictured Lufwa. "Her name?"

"Lufwa," "Lufwah?"

"It's spelled L-u-f-w-a," "Isn't that awful backwards?" Feliks chuckled, her name suited her so well. "Yes, and she is like, super awful."

  And then Lufwa came into view, smacking away her gum. Feliks grabbed Toris' hand, whom held Feliks' gladly. "Feli?" Feliks bit his lip.

"Lufwa, we have to break up."

"What?" A sneer crossed her fish-like face.

"I've found my soulmate," Feliks couldn't get help but grin as he said that.

"You what?" Her gum fell out of her mouth and onto the ground.

Feliks' smile brightened when he realised he'd finally be free from Lufwa and he'd be with his soulmate.

So that sucked major ass

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