20- PruCan #2

966 47 15

hello again, old friends. :)

stop ageing at 18


Matthew stared out his window, managing to tear his gaze from The Sims 4. You would think that technology would enthral him, considering he was born in 1777, but it just made him bored. He'd been 18 forever, and he just wanted to be 19.

He got lost in what lied behind the frosty glass of his window, it was a rolling hillside with a perfect view of the northern lights. Matthew had moved out to a recluse spot in Inuvik, Canada once his parents died. He didn't want to be surrounded by their memories anymore, and then he realised that he would never meet his soulmate if he just stayed where he was, so he stayed.

At first, Matthew had just wanted to be immortal, the idea was paradisiacal. But, nowadays, he was bored with his surroundings. At first, he found his home breathtaking, now he felt anguish. Surely his soulmate hated him by now. Surely his soulmate was at their wit's end, searching endlessly for him for the past century.


Gilbert was just on the cusp of 18, his birthday being the next day. He was jealous of his brother, already having met his soulmate, being a sweet 24 right about now. He thought it was unfair, considering that his brother hadn't had to wait at all, having met Feliciano at 14.

Gilbert wondered if his soulmate was born yet, he wasn't sure how much longer he could wait.


Gilbert took a final look at his suitcase, making sure he had everything. His brother had invited him along to go visit Feliciano's friends up in some city up in Canada. Francis and Arthur had moved up there together after they got married.


"Why Canada?" Gilbert already seemed disgusted with the cold climate, checking his phone and visibly cringing at the low temperature.

"It's not that cold," some Russian guy who came along with them scoffed.

"It's -40 Celsius and you want to tell me it's not that bad?"


Gilbert turned quickly away from him and stared up at the hotel they would be staying at. The Mackenzie Hotel.

"Again, why can't we stay with your friends?" Gilbert whined.

"They only have one guest room, Ludwig and I are taking it while you stay with Lovi and Ivan here." Feliciano was so cheerful it was hard to be angry or disagree with what he said, so Gilbert just smiled and stormed into the hotel.


"I don't wanna go hiking!" Gilbert yelled, "It's literally colder than yesterday, somehow!"

"C'mon, Gilly! Arthur and Francis are gonna show us their favourite places!" Feliciano's smile was so big and genuine that Gilbert physically couldn't turn him down.

"Fine!" Gilbert angrily shoved his boots on his feet that happened to have 7 or so layers of fluffy socks on them.


Matthew went out to get his mail when suddenly he saw a guy that looked like he had snow for hair tumbling down the side of the hill. His eyebrows shot up and he dropped his mail to go help the guy who was currently barrel rolling down the hill faster than an angry moose on a rampage.

"Eh! Are you alright?" Matthew questioned as he pulled the guy into his driveway.

The guy looked terrified.

"Buddy?" Matthew then noticed that snow was not in his hair, it was just stark white.

"What happened?" He pronounced his 'w' like a v and Matthew concluded that he was German, obviously not used to the climate.

"You took a tumble down that hill over there," Matthew pointed to the scene.

"Oh, okay," he began to stand up and he brushed off the snow.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, now that I'm not stuck hiking in the freezing cold," the guy's phone buzzed and he pulled it out with shaking hands.

big oaf: are you okay? we saw you fall!

me: im fine, some dude came out of his house and helped me.

big oaf: we'll see you afterwards okay?

me: yeah yeah okay

"I don't wanna seem creepy, but could I come in? They're abandoning me and I don't know how to get back."

"Sure," Matthew turned and slipped back inside.


Gilbert just about sobbed when he felt how warm it was in this guy's house.

"Thank you, so much."

"Not a problem," he swept over to his cabinets and opened one. He pulled out a box of donut holes and he walked back over to Gilbert.

"Want a Timbit?"

"A fucking what? Those are donut holes."

The guy looked mildly offended.

"Do you want one or not?"

"Fuck yeah I want a donut hole!"


"So, Gilbert, how long have you been 18?"

"I'm turning 18 today, actually."

Matthew attempted to force a smile.

"How long have you been 18?"

"223 years."

Gilbert's eyebrows went straight up.

"Damn, dude."

Matthew slowly nodded.

"Oh! I finished my hot chocolate, I'll just-"

They both reached for the mug and their hands met.

Their eyes locked.


They weren't sure who leaned in first but suddenly they were making out on Matthew's couch.


"Matty?" Gilbert called from the kitchen.

"Yes, Gil?"

"We're out of maple syrup."

Matthew immediately began cackling, nearly tumbling to the floor he was laughing so hard.

"What's so funny?" Gilbert asked angrily.

"Check-" Matthew continued giggling, "in that closet."

Gilbert opened the closet and he jumped back when he saw dozens of maple syrup bottles lining every shelf in the closet.

"Holy hell!"

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