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This one is where you have a timer on your wrist.



Matthew couldn't contain himself for much longer, his soulmate timer ran out in only 4 hours. He remembered still when it said 3 years, and now he smiled at how fast time has flown by. He stared down at the left wrist that was printed with 'Alfred' in light blue to match his eyes. His left wrist displayed his best friend's name, and his right would have a name soon enough. He wasn't sure whether to dress up or not, so he sat in his pyjamas on his couch and stared at his wrist timer and the clock on the wall. His clock read 3:57 AM and he would meet his soulmate at 7:57 AM.

Matthew quickly realised that this was the longest 4 hours he had ever endured, but now, at least; he only had 2 hours left. His clock now read 5:57 and he was about to fall asleep. Matthew was barely able to keep his eyes open, but he was afraid that if he fell asleep, it would add more time to his timer. He stood and his legs almost gave out from sitting in the same position for so long. He had to make himself some breakfast.


Gilbert was nearly jumping out of his skin, his timer now only said that he had 1 hour left to meet his soulmate. He had been walking outside hoping to speed up the time and bump into his soulmate. He couldn't help but wonder if his soulmate would hate him, but his soulmate obviously wouldn't. They were his soulmate for awesome's sake! He placed his hands into his pockets and continued walking down the street and keeping a sharp eye out for his special someone.

His nose started to twitch, how could his best friend have met their soulmate before him? Antonio's name was printed on his left wrist, and of course, on Antonio's right wrist was a name. On Antonio's right wrist was Lovino's name written. He longed for his right wrist to have a name on it, to be complete. While staring at his wrist he noticed it rushed to 10 minutes, how? It had been at 45 minutes last time he checked! He stopped and stared around for someone, anyone that was searching for their soulmate too.


Matthew couldn't take it anymore, his wrist read 38 minutes and he had to get out. So he left his house and went for a walk, and the second he stepped out the door his timer dropped to 10 minutes. He stared down at his wrist with wide eyes and walked up and down the pavement. His timer only had 9 minutes left and he was about to meet his one and only. So before it ate him away he started to run, but before he got too far he froze. He saw the most amazing sight he had ever saw before, a tall man with white hair staring down at his wrist on the other side of the street. He looked back down at his wrist and it read 45 seconds, his heart-rate sped up and he walked with purpose across the street to him.

30 seconds

Gilbert looked up just in time to see a boy walking towards him, with a large smile on his face.

20 seconds

Matthew finally made it across the street and was face to face with his soulmate, there was no way that there could be anybody else.

5 seconds

Gilbert's breath hitched in his throat and the boy in front of him stopped not even a meter away. "My name is Matthew, and my timer just ran out." Matthew huffed out. "Gilbert, and so did mine." Gilbert grinned from we to eat once he noticed the name written clearly on his right wrist; Matthew.

He held his wrist up for Matthew and as did he, and on his wrist was written Gilbert. Matthew grinned and Gilbert's grin grew. He was finally complete.

Yes I know I just did one with Prussia, but I ship him with Canada too! Don't judge!

Wc: 700

Hetalia Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now