14- PruHun

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How about a words one?
Ok. Words one. The day you meet your soulmate the first words they say to you appear on your body and you feel a singeing pain.






Ludwig stormed into his brother's room annoyed beyond belief.

"What is it Gilbert?" He said, trying not to lose his shit.

"I'm trying yo watch a movie but none of the inputs are working.."

"Are you kidding me right now Gilbert?"

Gilbert looked to the floor and rubbed his neck. "Please?"

Ludwig rolled his eyes and got behind the TV.

"Firstly, the DVD player isn't on."

"Whatever! Just fix it."

Ludwig and his magical TV fixing ways, managed to get it working.

"Now, what movie was so important that you needed to scream across the house?"

Gilbert mumbled something incoherent.


"I said behdhshs.."


"I said beahdces."



"AGH!" Gilbert cried out and grasped his wrist.

"Gilbert are you alright?"

"I feel like I got burnt with a hot iron!"

Ludwig pulled back Gilbert's sleeve and sure enough, his words were there.

It's not weird to carry around a frying pan as a weapon!

"What in the.."

"You meet your soulmate today."

"Looks like I'm meeting them at the bakery."

"Oh right, you have to get Gilbird a cake for his birthday." Ludwig visibly shivered at how much Gilbert cared for a bird more than him. Gilbert hadn't gotten Ludwig a cake. But oh I have to go get my FUCKING BIRD A CAKE!

"Have fun with that."


He pulled up to the bakery in his pimpmobile.

Power to you if you get that reference;)

Gilbert opened the door and he immediately heard bickering in the back.


"It's not weird to carry around a frying pan as a weapon!"

"Woah.." he mumbled under his breath.

"I'm here to pick up my cake for my pet bird!"

He heard a choking sound from the back and the squealing of shoes.

There she was, the most beautiful girl he would ever see. Her brown hair wasn't extremely long, but longer than most, her eyes were mesmerising, and sure enough, she had a frying pan on her belt.

"Who said that?"

"Me. I'm here for my bird's cake. It's his birthday."

"Wow. Okay. You're a total weirdo."


"Anyway, you should know that my name is Elizabeta."

"Wh- Oh.. right. I'm Gilbert. You said my words so that makes us soulmates."

"And you said mine."

Ok so I should be sleeping because I have school tomorrow and I'm tired and I got up late today.. but I've been so bad with this.. that turned out pretty crappy btw. ❤️

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