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You stop ageing at 18 until you meet your soulmate.

Dedicated to: @hetaliary



Mathias was 17, and his 18th birthday was in 3 days. He couldn't wait to be a legal adult, he also really wanted to meet his soulmate. Mathias was what you could call the class clown, he loved attention. Mathias had two friends, Tino and Berwald. His only problem was that they couldn't keep their hands off each other, they met when the were 15. Which was very early on to meet a soulmate, Mathias was especially jealous. He wouldn't admit it, but he wanted someone to hold too.
Mathias sat on his couch and sung himself quietly happy birthday on what would've been his 26th birthday.

Everyone around Mathias was meeting their soulmates left and right, but he was frozen in time, time was speeding past him and he wanted to scream.

30 years, that's how long Lukas had been waiting for his soulmate. His brother even met his soulmate already!
And Lukas couldn't under why, why he had been chosen to meet his soulmate late. Lukas put all his emotions of fear that he would never meet his soulmate behind him, which left him stoic, cold and heartless. He pushed everyone from him, he couldn't stand hanging out with them when they weren't his soulmate. Especially when they already met theirs, he couldn't stand to be around Arthur anymore. Arthur was always busy snogging Francis.

Lukas secretly wanted to be snogging his soulmate, but he made up in his mind that they weren't coming. He stayed cooped up in his house with his coffee and his butter. But Lukas was lonely, Emil was constantly with Leon and Lukas hated it. He had many selfish thoughts of wanting Emil to ditch Leon for just a day, so he would hang out with Lukas.
       As Lukas' waiting time increased to 60 years he became lonelier, and the worst part was that he was used to it. Lukas could do nothing but watch his brother grow old with Leon and die, Lukas wanted nothing more than to bawl his eyes out, scream and cry for the loss of his brother. But he couldn't.

   Lukas became so stoic he lost all emotions, his face was set in a permanent blank. So Lukas had to watch his brother die in front of him, while Lukas stayed frozen at 18.
      The years flew by so fast Lukas lost quite a bit of himself, every day was the same for him. He got up, had about 7 cups of coffee with butter, went on a walk, sat at the park for approximately 14 and a half minutes, got up, walked home, sat on his bed spacing out, and fell back asleep. That was his never-ending schedule that repeated itself daily. Lukas had watched all his previous friends die, so he didn't make anymore, he didn't want to watch more people die.


   Mathias had been waiting an agonising 40 years, and all his friends were old and about to die. But Mathias was determined to meet his soulmate at all costs, he was constantly out and about for his soulmate, searching anywhere they would be. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but his jealousy constantly came back to bite him in the ass. Berwald and Tino met each other, but you won't meet anyone. His friends had made a wonderful life for themselves, they had even adopted a child and a dog. They had their life in order, and Mathias was still hopelessly searching for his soulmate.

    Lukas was on his way to the park like he did every morning, when two middle-aged men walked past him with a small white dog on a leash. He internally scowled, why can't I've met my soulmate? Seeing soulmates together sparked tiny flakes of jealousy in Lukas.
    "Tino! Berwald!" Came an obnoxiously loud voice from behind the pair who had walked past Lukas not even 10 seconds ago. The voice intrigued Lukas, so he turned around and saw a godly creature walking in full stride to the middle-aged men. It was a bit of an odd sight, they looked as though they were all the best of friends, but the godly creature only seemed to be a teenager. "Hei Mathias, how're you today?" 'Mathias' flashed a otherworldly smile that made Lukas's heart flutter and his stomach knot up. "I'm great Tin, I'm still searchin' 'round for my soulmate though." 'Tino' nodded solemnly and gabbed his partner's hand.
      "You shouldn't worry about it too much, you've waited long enough." Lukas scoffed, just wait until they hear how long I've waited. Something about Mathias made Lukas drawn to him, before he knew it his feet were dragging him over to Mathias.

  The second Mathias caught wind of Lukas his heart skipped beats, he looked so angelic. His features were smooth and his hair looked silkier than satin. His jaw physically dropped and his feet pulled him closer to the perfect being in front of him. They were a measly half meter apart before they stopped, both of them were gazing into each other's eyes with curiosity.
       It wasn't long before Mathias spoke. "Hej, my name is Mathias." Lukas nodded silently and let out a barely audible "Lukas."


    Something was wrong, something felt funny, it was unlike anything Mathias had felt in a long time. Growth, he had grown noticeably taller and Lukas hadn't failed to point that out.
         Everything suddenly made sense to the two of them, both of them had been growing, both of them unbelievably attracted to the other. They were undeniably soulmates. Once, while Mathias and Lukas were at Lukas' something came over Mathias, he couldn't take it. "I've been growing, and so have you. Lukas I-" Lukas was staring over at Mathias intently. Whether it was the look Lukas was giving him or him finally realising his soulmate, he couldn't control his urge anymore.
       He pushed himself forward and connected his lips with Lukas', but what Mathias wasn't expecting Lukas to kiss back with more force. After Lukas pulled away he smiled genuinely for the first time in 62 years. "I know we're soulmates, idiot Dane."


That sucked YAY

Wc: 1048

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