26- PrUk

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the day that you take a trip through a day in your soulmate's life is your 20th birthday (the older soulmate's birthday)
The day that Arthur Kirkland woke up in his soulmate's body was quite possibly the strangest of his life.

He woke up in a dorm room that looked like a tornado had gone through it and nearly cried immediately at the sight of it. There were at least 4 pizza boxes underneath the bed across the way and a wide variety of bottled drinks on the desk beside it. Arthur's eyes widened when they settled upon the desk beside the bed he was in. There was a crumpled Natty Lite on top of a Minecraft redstone guide with a half-smoked... cigar? next to it?

Just before Arthur inspected further, his soulmate's roommate barged in and took one look at Arthur ('s soulmate) and said "Morning, roomie's soulmate!"

To Arthur's horror, his soulmate's roommate was someone he knew all too well. His heart nearly stopped at the sight of his ex best friend from high school, Alfred Jones. His wide eyes jumped frantically between Alfred and the dripping brown bag gripped in his hand.

"You know, bro, you are gonna love Schmitty, he's a sick dude." The blonde sat down at his desk, peeled open the bag and set a burger wrapped in a napkin on the table, while maintaining eye-contact.

Realizing he had yet to say anything, Arthur finally spoke in a voice that wasn't his own. "Schmitty?"

After Alfred finished chewing he chortled and apologized quickly. "Its a crappy nickname he hates so of course its all we call him."

"I take it you're the one who came up with it?"

Alfred's eyes lit up, and Arthur knew immediately he was going to be sitting here for a very long time.

"Well back in freshman year we were pretty into the show New Girl and he complained about Schmitt's name and how he'd hate to be named it and our friend Mat said he already was named that and-"

Thankfully, the fire alarm went off causing them both to jump. Alfred quickly threw the sandwich back in the bag and tore over to Arthur, who backed up instinctively. Alfred flashed an awkward smile as he grabbed the 'cigar' and a cloth bag next to the desk on the floor.

Arthur, still not even used to being in his soulmates's body, managed to stand up and find a pair of shoes under his bed. He turned to grab his glasses off the desk to find that not only did he not have them, he didn't need them. "Right...not exactly me.." he mumbled before he turned to follow Alfred out of the building.
As he was swept in with the rest of the evacuating students, he lost Alfred and was spit out in the middle of a quad he had seen last night on the way back to his own dorm.

Before he could analyze the issue further, he turned around swiftly at the sound of someone yelling fire. Arthur took in the sight of a fire breathing out of a window on the third floor and his hand flew to his mouth. He was then nearly knocked to the ground and actually knocked the wind out of with a bone crushing hug.

"Gil! You're okay!" Arthur looked down to see a small brunette gripping his torso. She looked fiercely up at him and smacked him on the arm, "Did you encourage him?"

"Ow! Encourage who?"

The girl's breath hitched and she quickly drew herself back and brushed herself off with a slow-coming frown on her face.

"You aren't Gilbert..." She blew out through her nose and haltingly continued, "...Which, means..."

The brunette abruptly cut herself off and plastered a fake smile to her face, "Sorry, My name's Erzsébet and I'm Gil's friend from across the hall. Um- you have nothing to worry about, he's- uh- Gil's rough around the edges and bit of an ass but he- he's uh- he's good. He's a good guy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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