13- Dennor #2

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It's where you can't see the colour of your soulmate's eyes on anything until you touch them. You'll see what I mean..


  Mathias wondered why the only colour he couldn't see was purple/violet. It wasn't a natural colour of eyes, right? He assumed it would be easy to spot his soulmate because of their odd eye colour, but boy was he wrong. People rushed past him so fast he couldn't see if they had eyes or not most of the time.


  One day Mathias was out walking so he started yelling out, "Who can't see blue?!"

"I can't!" Came a girl's voice, he started running to her, was she his soulmate?

Then, once he got to her, he saw her green eyes. His smile diminished.

She began to reach forward and touch his shoulder and then she looked to the sky in hopes of seeing the sky, but she ended up looking back down and frowning.

"Is that why you frowned?"

Mathias nodded.

"What colour can't you see?"

"Uh... Purple and violet.."

The girl's eyes widened. "You're kidding?"

He shook his head. "I can't see violet, that's why I keep a purple wristband so I know if I can see purple after I touch people."

(It looks grey to him.. People tell him it's purple)

"I see, well, my name is Ciera. What's yours?"

"Mathias." The girl nodded and shook his hand. "Good luck on your soulmate search." "You too."


  Another time he was in the mall and someone hugged him. But he still saw that grey wristband, it hadn't turned purple. It was an awkward encounter and the person apologised, they had pretty blue eyes as well as he did. It must've gotten confusing.


And another time he was at work and someone touched his hand with a smile, but nothing happened. (He works part-time at Starbucks)


The final time he had an awkward encounter he was at the movies and a boy grabbed his hand while he was getting popcorn, nothing happened.


  Today, Mathias planned to go to the library and get a book for a stupid book report. He wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone, and he nearly chocked on spit, his grey wristband, was purple. He grabbed the person by the wrist and started at them, he was the most attractive person he'd ever seen in his life. "Hi," was all he managed to say to his soulmate as he stared into his soulmate's violet eyes. His soulmate's eyes widened and were staring into Mathias' eyes. "Hi. I'm Lukas," "Mathias."

"A- Wow. Blue is really pretty.." Lukas mumbled.

"Violet is really amazing." Mathias said smiling.

Wow that was shit and I haven't posted in 10 years

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