22-RusAme #2

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i noticed @zen_ark_al2457 on this story and that they liked rusame and ive recently started to enjoy it so i thought id write something up thats rusame bc of them so dt them^^ also, requests are reopened



"That is just so blue..." Gilbert mumbled.

"Uh,, yeah." Ivan slid back.

Each one of his friends had already met their soulmates way before they met him. They never asked so he had just gone along with the fact that they thought he had met his. He hadn't, but they never asked. Well, not never. Ludwig had asked once to see a picture of his soulmate and he said his soulmate lived far and was in university and wasn't ready to move yet.

Little did he know, he wasn't far from the truth.


Picture this, 20 year old Alfred Jones studying history at UCLA and all his friends are beginning to meet their soulmates.

Not even a week ago had Arthur literally rammed into his soulmate on the way to class and sent him sprawling to the floor. Kiku met Yao at the beginning of the year because they were assigned roommates, and over summer vacation Feliciano went to Germany and came back talking nonstop about his soulmate.

Hell, even his younger brother Matthew had met his soulmate already. He had met his soulmate back in highschool through an exchange student program.

And to top it all off, they kept going on triple dates together.

All. The. Time

Alfred wasn't a spiteful person but he was almost to his breaking point after noticing his friends constantly correcting themselves around him. Talking about colors and all that nonsense.


It was almost spring break and Ivan's friends were dogging on him about coming to America with them.

It took a lot of convincing considering he continuously complained about being a 7th wheel.

Now he was on a plane and there wasn't really much he could do about the fact that he was next to Gilbert and Matthew sucking face. He just put headphones in and tried to drown them out.

They hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan.



ha ha

ill go

They were waiting at the baggage claim at LAX when he overheard Gil and Matt talking.

"Yeah, when he said that he couldn't manage to book any flights or make vacation plans for spring break I knew it was the perfect time for a sneak attack."

"Yeah, I can tell how much he missed you when he called the other night. He's gonna be so happy."

"Wait, we're here to surprise someone?" Ivan questioned.

"Yeah, we're gonna surprise my brother, Alfred. We're gonna be staying at my parent's house because all our rooms are empty now that we're all moving out with our soulmates and such."


"Hey Mom, I'm spending the night at Mathias's tonight. I'll be staying until Lukas is back from visiting his brother."

"Why do you need to stay so long?"

"Mathias broke his collarbone and just needs some help around the house."

"Well- Alright... I guess." Any attempt to keep Alfred home was squashed and she had to leave for the airport in 10 minutes so she gave up on fighting it.


They were standing outside when the two cars pulled up.

"Jenna! Its so nice to see you!" Gilbert rushed forward and grabbed Matt's mom in a hug.

"You've been talking care of my son I trust?"

Ivan zoned out until they got to the house.


Alfred finished his last bite and began an interrogation.

"Hey, Mat?"


"How'd you break your collarbone?"

Mathias's cheeks went darker and he clammed up.



"Damn! You two get fuckin' wild!"

"Shut up!" Mathias yelled.


"Wait, where's your brother, Matt?"

"Didn't you hear my mom? She said that he is helping a friend out who had an injury until his fiancé gets home." Ivan opened his mouth to begin another question but Matt continued, "I mean, this is a vacation, and we're going to treat it like one, we just won't surprise Alfred until he gets home."

~Four Days Later~

"Hey, Ivan, should we get this banner or this banner?" He was at the store with Matt and he was currently staring at two identical looking banners. He assumed they were two different colors.

"Uh- That one." He pointed to the left one.

"I mean, I guess it could match. I just wasn't sure which one went better with the cups."

"Yeah, I think that one goes with them better."

"Or do you just love yellow?" Matt joked and then continued down the aisle.

I can't hide this anymore...


When they got back and were putting the decorations up, Ivan began his confession.

"Hey, Matt?"


"Do you promise not to judge me if I tell you something?"

Matt stared at him with a questioning look.


"Yeah, of course."

"I um- I haven't met my soulmate yet."

Matt dropped the banner.

"You what?"

"Nobody ever asked really and you all had met yours already and I kinda- I don't know- went along with it?"

"Oh my god-"

"I know- I'm sorry."

"No-No what are you apologizing for? I feel so bad, I've talked to you so much about colors and how it feels to be so in love. I feel- so bad. I'm so sorry."


Alfred made his way up the driveway slowly yawning and mindlessly scrolling down instagram.

He opened the front door and all the lights were off, which was to be expected considering it was 10:45 and his parents were usually in bed by 8.

He set his bag down and then the lights flashed on and people were yelling at him. His eyes grew wide and he scanned who all was there.

Gilbert, Matthew, Ludwig, Feliciano, Lovino, some guy with purple eyes, Antonio, his mo-


"Oh my god."


Ivan jumped out and yelled surprise with everyone else and then his surprise turned into a quieter 'oh my god' when he saw Alfred.

Alfred was standing there, shocked, in full color.

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