Part 21 [Fina]

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"OUT OF THE WAY...OUT OF THE WAY". The EMT people shouts as they push Trey into the emergency room. Less than three minutes latter they Arrive with Safaree

"What happened" A nurse asks checking Trey's chest.

"He got Stab five times in the stomach and he lost lots of blood" an other EMT member answer referring to Trey.

"Bring him in..what's his condition" an other Nurse asks referring to Faree

"His car got hit by a tow truck...He is in major condition"

Right than the ambulance who carried Nicki pulls in. "EXCUSE ME" three EMT members shouts in Unison as they push Nicki in.

"We have a major case here" an other shouts than two other nurses come running taking Nicki from them and rushes her inside.

                                                    ***-FOUR HOUR LATTER-***


"I'm sorry Ma'am we tried all we could but he didn't make it" a doctors says to Safaree's mother as he sympathetically pat her shoulder.

"Noo..Noo plzzz he can't be" she cries collapsing on her husband's s. Mr. Samuel's froze right on the spot which cause him to fall on his knee and Mrs. Samuels fallows.

"We did all we could" the Doctor says again, than slowly walks away ..

"Can we see him" Mr. Samuels asks, still in chock with not a single tears on his face.

"Sure. Follow me" the Doctor answers. they follow him inside to where Faree is. as soon as Mrs Samuels see her only son's body laying lifeless on his back. shee break down in her husbands arm, that's when Mrs. Samuels finally let out a loud cry.

"MY SON...MY SON" he cries as he approach him. he touches Faree's face kissing him everywhere.

"You have to go now." the doctor says...."Get them out please" he asks the nurse. they gently take Mr. and Mrs Samuels hand and lead them out.



I woke up in a big garden filled with beautiful flowers. I can't understand,what's going on. I look everywhere but I couldn't see anyone.  I notice a big tree just a little distance from me and walk to it. as Soon as I touch the tree, all the flowers that was in the garden fades ways except for the tree. I couldn't understand what's going on.

"Nicki" I hear a voice calls, I look up and down and left to right.

"Over here" a deeper voice says. I look back and see a big bright light behind me, but no one.

"Get me out of here" I shout, starting to cry.

"It's ok Baby...We wont hurt you" the Deep voice says

"We want to tell you that You're going to be fine" the sweet lady voice adds

"Who are you ... and How do you know" I asks still looking for where the voice is coming from.

"You forget us baby" the lady voice asks.

"Please...Get me out of here..I need to find my baby" I cry collapsing on my knee.

"Treycie is fine Nicki. And we're your Mommy and Daddy"

"My mom and Dad Died. I have no one" I cry, still looking for them.

"No baby. You have us, we never left you" Mom says

"Than why can't I see you"

"because we're spirits baby, you can only hear us" I sit on the grass crying, looking all around. I feel something cold touches my face and jumps up.

"It's ok's just me" she says

"You can touch me" I asks

"Yeah, but only when you not expecting it" She answers. I hold the right side of my face where she just touch me.

"We have to go now baby girl."

"No please wait. How do I get out of here" I asks in tears

"Don't worry Love. Everything will be fine...We Love you" they say in Unison as their voices fades away with the wind.

-----ONE WEEK LATTER------


"Good Morning" baby, Trey's mom, Mrs. Neverson calls as he approaches Trey's bed

"Mommy" he calls trying to lift up his hand. his mom walks closer to him and place a kiss on his forehead.

"Hey baby. It's ok...Mommy's here" she says, kissing his forehead.

"Where's Nicki" he asks trying to get up. Mrs Neverson stops him by gently pushing him down.

"Nicki's fine baby...She's fine. You can see her latter, but right now you got to rest"

"No..I have to se her now ... call her please" he says with tears now escaping from his eyes. "Please get Nicki for me" he cries some more.

"Baby. Nicki got into an accident, she's also in the hospital" she says covering her mouth.

"Mommy please, No I have to se her now. ... She changed me Mommy. She made me the better man I am today.. the man you've always wanted me to be. .. please let me go see her please" he cries louder as he tries to get up off his bed. when Mrs. Neverson see that she can't stop him.

"Listen baby, if you wait I promise I'll asks the Doctor to take us to go see her when you wake up" she says caressing his face.

"Alright" he says agreeing with his mother.



Trey pulls up to the Cemetery where Faree was buried. He gets out and open the door for me. then open the back door and I take Treycie out. I grab Treycie's hand and the two of us walk to Faree's grave.

"My baby. My Heart. My First Love. The father of my first child. the one I'll Always Love" I cry as I place the boucket of flower I carried in my hand, as tears constantly roles down my face.

"Mommy?..Was Daddy nice?" Treycie asks looking up at me, I notice tears rolling down her face also.

"Yeah baby. Daddy was the Nicest man alive" I answer as I pull her into a sweet hug and never let go until I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Trey's face looking at me, I break down immediately into more tear. he pulls me up and hugs me and Treycie as we cry on his chest. "It's ok he whispers in my ears"

"Let's go" he says taking our hands, with Treycie in the middle. we walk out the cemetery and drives off. I guess it's Just me Trey and Treycie now.


-THE END- :"( :"( :"( :"(

Sorry Guys ... It was really heart breaking for me to write this chapter. I wanted to let Faree live, but I realize he and Nicki always Conquer in every story, specially mines. even the one's I don't write on here....  *Cries* ..


---------I honestly had no Idea how to freaking end thisss uugh!!! --------

      - Thanks for reading -

   Stay Tuned for a Sequel [ MAYBE ]

     V.O.T.E *AND* COM.M.E.N.T


*TORN* ~~ Onikafaree/Treynika Fiction ~~Where stories live. Discover now