Part 11

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Damn, I've messed up Nicki's life. I hope she doesn't think I don't want her anymore. I hope she doesn't think I don't want this baby. I do, Just not now. I'm not ready for all that. For God's sake, I'm only 18. Life is just getting started for me. what the fuck I'm gonna do with a Baby. Life is officially over, Life is over for the both of us.

I don't know if I should go see her now, but I know I need to call her. I need to tell her I'm sorry for the way I talked to her the other day. the fuck was I thinking. I put her through this shit, I must stay with her.

While staring at this boring ass professor talking nothing but none sense. why don't I just get out and do what's right.

I Grab my bag and quietly walk out the class. I search for a spot next to a big tree with a bench under it and sit down. I pull out my phone, and Dial Nicki's number.

"Hey Baby"

"Hey" she respond with a broken voice.

"How you everything ok" I asks

"What do you think" she answers. she's right, how could everything be ok in this situation that none of us ready for or was not expecting.

"Nicki I'm sorry about the other day..This is all just so new to me" I explain to her.

"Oh really Safaree...I'm sorry I didn't know. I guess it's old to me uhn" She Sarcastically asks. from the tone in her voice I could tell that she's crying.

;No That's not what I mean babe"

"What do you mean than, cause I'm not getting it" she says angrily

"I want to come see you ... even if it's for only a day"

"Ok" she says, I know she'd probably answer that better if all that wasn't happening, but I get it.

"I Gotta go to class. I'll call you latter ok"

"OK Safaree"

"Bye Love you"

"Love you too"

With that we hung up and I walk back to my boring ass Calculus class. I am Way too good for this class.




I am Now seven months pregnant, and my aunt still doesn't know. I had thought of telling Saidah, but I know she's too young to understand and even thought she's my little best friend, she's a little too hard to trust considering she talk a lot.

Safaree and I talk every day. he visit at least three times for the last three months and we video chat everyday except weekends. Things are going so well so far...

Everyday I go to Me and Safaree's Favorite place at the park and spent my time there, wishing I wasn't alone.

I Heard the door shut so I immediately knew I was alone and it is time to video chat with Safaree. I ran down to the living room and turn on the computer first thing. I walk to the kitchen get something to drink in the refrigerator than walk back to the computer.

Before I even made it back, Safaree was already on my screen waiting for me. I smile and sit down.

"Can I see my Belly" he asks, smiling so hard

I lift up my shirt and Show off my belly to him. "There I Say"

"WHAT IS THIS?" I Heard my aunt voice yells, so I kick shut down the computer with my feet.

*TORN* ~~ Onikafaree/Treynika Fiction ~~Where stories live. Discover now