Part 13

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I woke up to the voice of  Celine Dion playing in the living room. I'm thinking Trey have some girl slept here last night cause I know ain't no type of Gangster listens to Celine Dion. I get out of the bed and walk straight  to the Bathroom, not minding his business like he told me.

I take a nice shower, than walk back in the room. When I finish get dress I walk to the kitchen making me something to eat. I pull out two raw egg and a bagel. I fried the egg and put as much pepper as I could on the fried egg. at some point sometimes I got so scared thinking my baby would come out with her eyes inside out.

"Good Morning" I hear the voice behind me says, I look back and see Trey standing behind me.

"Hi" I say smiling. between him and Safaree, I don't know who's better at making me smile like that, but Faree is my man so we all know he won.

"What are you doing today" he asks chewing on a piece of apple.

"Nothing I guest just stay home"

"I was thinking of taking you out. you know to get something's for the baby, since you're so close to birth and I ain't see you making any moves." I Look at him, surprise thinking like, "AANW You'd do that for me"

"Oh, well Safaree is coming tomorrow and He wanted to go do the shopping, you know that's his baby so It's only right I go with him" He looks at me like he was hurt. I Know he was hurt by my comeback, but I can't turn down Faree for Trey, I just can't.

"It's ok, if there's anything you need you'll let me know ok" with That he walk away leaving me standing there.


I Ain't mad Nicki turned down my offer, a little hurt but mad? Nah. After all I have  my own shit to take care of anyway. I just want to make sure she got some stuffs cause she look like she about to burst anytime soon.

I Grab my phone and call my guys so we can get to business.

"Yo Nigga, are we still on for tonight" Big-Mac ask me over the phone

"Fuck yeah my G..You know I ain't never leave an unfinished business"  answer him

"Alright Man...Letter" - I Hung up the phone, than hop in the shower. When I finish I join Nicki in the living room watching television. I wonder if she's embarrassed by me cause she always refuse my offers when I ask her to go out. I Mean she look bored as fuck here, I just want to me her days better.

"You seem to be doing very well with your pregnancy" I asks not knowing what to says, but Someone had to start a conversation here so why not, I thought.

"I can't say I'm an expert on this. In fact its a first time" She explains

"I Know" I Answer. we talk for a while, than when I look over at her she was knocked out. Damn, I thought. Than Slowly Lift her up and Carry her to her bed. I Don't know why, but I'm so tempted to put my lips on hers.  I carefully lay her down than walk out. I take a last look at her, she look so beautiful even with a pregnant belly. I shake my head with a smile than Walk out the room.

- Few hours latter I look at my phone and realize that it was almost time to go meet with my boys, so I get myself ready and write Nicki a note letting her know I was leaving the house.


I Woke up in bed wondering how I got there. I get up and walk out the living room but Trey isn't there. I look at my phone and see that it was one in the morning almost two. I starts to worry because he would usually call if he was going to stay out late pass one.

I call his phone but no answer. I sent text message, Same result. I starts to worry wondering around the house. praying that this boy is ok, Cause God know how much I need him.

Right when I was about to walk back in my room My phone starts to ring.

"Hello" I say, waiting patiently for the voice to answer back

"Hello.. this is S't Johns Health center hospital, are you Family of Tremaine Neverson " the voice of a lady asks

"YES...What Happen is he ok" I shout worriedly

"That's Debatable ma'am ... were doing all we could at this moment but he is in serious condition. he was involve in a shooting....can you make it here"

I think of how I was going there than Answer.

"uum..Yes, I'll be there in a few minutes" I says to her than hung up.

at this point I don't even know what to do. Trey need me right now. I don't even know how the Fuck to get to the hospital from here. I think for a while than, I walk into Trey's room and search every where for some money. I look under his mattress and finally found some money. I grab some than call for a taxi.

I walk out the house before the taxi get here so I don't have to take too long to walk out.

"Drive me to S't Johns Center please" I tell the Driver.

In about 20 minutes we arrive at the hospital. I hand him his money, then get out and walk inside the hospital as fast as I could.

"Hello" I say to a nurse walking towards me.

"Are you ok Ma'am" she asks

"No..I'm here for Tremaine Neverson" I says to her with tears about to burst out from my eyes.

"Ma'am you need to sit and we'll be right with you" with that she walk fast away from me. I starts to get angry and I know I shouldn't, but I just really need some answer right now.

I take out my phone and call up Safaree.

"Faree" I says, and immediately I starts to cry

"What's wrong babe. Are you ok,, is the baby ok" he asks sleepy, in a worried voice.

"Yes..I'm ok and the baby is fine... It's Trey"

"What happened to him" He asks

"He was involve in a shooting, and he's doing very bad" I explain to him

'Oh Damn. Baby, I'm sorry to hear that abuot your friend ... I will be there tomorrow ok"

"Ok" I says, he stays on the phone with me until a doctor finally decided she'd come talk to me.

"Excuse me Ma'am .. are you here for Mr Neverson" The Doctor asks

"Yes Doctor.. How is he"

"He's alive" She says .. that's better than He's dead, but what the fuck he meant but Just Alive

"Ok .. how, in what condition is he"

"He got shot once in his stomach and twice on his shoulder...We're doing all we can Ma'am" she explains to me.

I have no idea what else to ask, so I just stand there looking at her with tears rolling down my face. I even forgot safaree was on the phone with me. she turn her back to leave than turn right back to me.

" more thing" she says pointing at me


"What is your relationship with Mr Neverson"

"I'm his ............"


                        - Thanks for reading -

                       Stay Tuned for Part 14

                  V.O.T.E *AND* COM.M.E.N.T


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