Chapter Fourteen: Part Two

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Namjoon's POV
I lay in Clara's bed completely naked. I was propped up on a pillow looking at an equally naked Clara cleaning her face in the bathroom. It was a lucky thing for me that Clara's bed was portioned directly in front and across the room from the bathroom door, it let me look right at her beauty.

As Clara walked out of the bathroom I looked at her gorgeous nude body. From the silk of her legs, to the ever so slight jiggle of her belly when she walked, she was stunning.

"You're breath taking, Miss Clara." I said as she crawled into bed.

"I think you were more breath taking. You didn't even slide it I me at take my womanhood and you still have me wetter than the ocean." She kissed my cheek before laying down on my bare chest.

I chuckled at her, "I mean you're beautiful breath taking. Not breath takingly good at-"

"Sh sh sh, I got what you mean." She sighed as she closed her eyes and pulled herself closer to me.

I sighed as well. Staring up at the white ceiling I thought. Clara was engaged, I didn't think she would actually go through with having sex with someone else other than her soon-to-be husband.

"Clara?" My voice was shaking.

Clara looked up at me, "yes, Yeobo?"

She gave me a smile and so I gave her one as well, "why did you call me?"

Clara sat up, her eyebrows creased together in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"I mean, why did you call me when you could've called your fiancé?"

"Because I don't want my fiancé-"

"Then why don't you do something about it?"

"Let me finish!" She snapped, "I don't want my fiancé, I want you, but I can't break off the marriage unless I can find someone else within a week. If I don't then I lose the company to my fiancé." She said the word fiancé like it was a cursed word.

"Can't you tell your dad that you don't want to get married?"

"I've tried, Yeobo." She stroked my cheek, "he's beyond reason."

I sighed and kissed her hand, "Then spend more time with me. Let me fall in love with you so in a month you can call it off and we can become official."

Clara looked deep into my eyes, "you'd marry me?"

I choked slightly. I wanted to get married eventually, and I'm at the age now where I thought I would find a solid girl, but this is moving extremely fast.

"Maybe not rush into it in a week," I laughed nervously, "but long enough for us to actually get to know each other completely and fall in love..."

I breathed heavily nervously as silence fell over both Clara and I. Clara sighed and shook her head before laying back down onto my chest.

"I don't want to get married." She huffed, "I'd rather die alone."

I pulled her naked body closer to mine and kissed the top of her head, "not even marry me?"

Rainy nights (Kim Namjoon fan fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن